Friday, October 24, 2008

Dinner at the River

This week has just flown by as they all seem to do these days. Much of my week has been spent at the local hospital visiting several of our church family there. Also Hubby's uncle had heart surgery but got to go home and we are so glad he is doing better.

Last night we were graciously taken to a new place for dinner and I just wanted to show you how nice it was to be down by the White River at dusk. Several couples took us to dinner for "Pastor Appreciation Month" and we had a wonderful time! Everyone has been so sweet with cards, dinners and just "thank-yous". We are just blessed beyond measure.

This restaurant had a bed and breakfast also. They had a "his and hers" bicycle if you wanted to take a little ride before dinner (we should have taken one AFTER dinner but it was dark!!)

We decided we will come back next spring and eat out on the deck! The setting is so beautiful but it was really chilly last night next to the river.

Of course, the main reason we went was this: the food was delicious! I can't think of anywhere (even in the BIG city) that I have had such tasty food!

Even the entry way was nice and homey! We had a lovely evening and thank our sweet friends for being so generous and loving!
Let me tell you how to appreciate your pastor where you go to church. Cards, dinners, notes and all is very much appreciated. BUT......the best way to show your pastor that you appreciate all he does for you and your spiritual needs is to love the Lord with all your heart, show up for church on a REGULAR basis, take a part in doing service for your church and have a Godly-attitude no matter what! It will make a difference in your pastor and in you, I promise!


Kelly said...

That place is sooooooooooo nice?? Where is it? Is it in Bull Shoals? WOW!
I always try to send cards to all of our staff during this month because as a PK - I know how hard their jobs can sometimes be and we are SO thankful for all of them. (but oops - I haven't done it yet - put that on my list of things to do this weekend!)
I'm thankful for my pastor/dad too!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Oooh...that looks like such a nice place! The food looks delicious and the presentation is beautiful! I'm so glad you and hubby are being appreciated by your church family.

the day's said...

what a great place! if you don't mind i would love if you would email me a name\link. we are arkansans and LOVE to support our local businesses. snuck over from kelly's have such an inspirational daughter! :)

Becky said...

Where is this located? It looks very familiar to me. Oooh, the food looks delish!

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad that you have a wonderful church who loves and supports you and your ministry there! Your dinner looks amazing!!

Jacquie said...

I didn't know we had a new place!! Looks so good.

I appreciate y'all more than you know!!

Jacquie said...

Oh, I forgot to mention I love your new blog background!

Rebekah said...

That place looks really yummy and nice. What a pretty area! Flint and I loved our time we spent at the river.

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

What's the name of that place? We would love to go there as we make our way to West Plains sometime. I miss going through Flippin now that you've been bypassed (but it is quicker)

MiMi said...

What a beautiful place and the food looks delicious! I am so glad that some of your church members took you and your husband there.

Thanks for the great advice on how to show our Pastor that we appreciate him!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Sharon M. said...

Judy, it looks like you are going to have to tell us all where this place is. The food looks delicious. If I knew where it is located I could take Mike there for "Husband Appreciation" next time we are camping below the dam over that way.

The Garners said...

What a nice place and a nice occasion! I don't think I know about this restaurant, but I hope to find out next time I'm home! The deck is so neat and the food looks delicious!