Monday, October 20, 2008

It's a Bird....It's a Plane.......

This past week morning I was home doing what I normally do when I'm home: washing dishes, washing clothes, picking up the clutter, reading, really, I was working!!

All of a sudden I heard this loud noise. We live near a fishing resort and planes fly over all the time on their way to the resort. But this noise was very loud and had a hovering sound. I ran out the door, looked up and saw a helicopter hovering over our house!

Of course, this was out-of-the-ordinary so I ran back in the house and grabbed my camera!

Hey, I need some blog material!!

The helicopter had this strange thing hanging down which I could not decide what it was. So I called hubby at his office and informed him we were being invaded and I was not sure what was going on! He informed me that they were cutting the tops of some trees near a high-line that runs near our property.

Sure enough, the mysterious "things" hanging down were circular saws! I'd never seen anything like that before!

So they started buzzing the swinging saws and tree limbs started flying everywhere! They thinned them out and off they went! Well, it may not seem much to you, but it made an exciting morning for me! You can see I need to get out more!
Hubby has been cutting wood for a while now getting ready for winter. He has a wood-buring stove in his shop where our dogs live! I bet he wishes he could cut wood as quick as the helicopter did! But I imagine the helicopter burned alot more gasoline than hubby does with his chain saw!!


Morris Family said...

How awesome to get to see that! I know it doesn't matter how old or oung you are, you are always fascinated with things that fly!! I know I stop working (on the job) when we are at Gaston's or Fly-In Valley working. I just have to watch the planes!

StitchinByTheLake said...

That's sure a first for me! blessings, marlene

Becky said...

You are so funny. Isn't it funny that we feel we can't get five feet away from our cameras because ya never know when something blog worthy might come up. Girl, what if little green marians would have started zipping down the rope. HA!!!

Laurie said...

Very interesting. I did not know they did such.

Julie said...

Odd. I have never heard of the trees being cut or trimmed in this way. I think I would have felt I was being invaded too. I wonder who yelled timber! :)

The Garners said...

I would have been excited about the helicopter, too! I've never heard of that either. With that many saws above my head though I might have been scared to stand outside!

MiMi said...

Wow, I've never heard of such a thing! Glad your hubby knew what they were doing and glad you caught it with your camera for all of us to see!