Monday, December 14, 2009

Friday Night Class Party

Hubs and I are blessed to minister on Sunday mornings to the Young Adults Bible Study class.

Friday night we had a little Christmas fellowship in a house down by the river!

We had lots of food, naturally! But we also played a fun game and laughed and laughed!

Have you ever played the game, "Apples to Apples"? It was so much fun!

Not a bad gig for a couple of "older adults"!! We love the young adults. They are a neat group and we love them very much!

This is one of many holiday fellowships we have been more to go!

Have you been to many holiday parties this season?


Lauren said...

How fun.... Can I join the group?? haha!!! I've heard so much about that game but have never played it myself! :)

~Bekah said...

what a beautiful tree and lovely tablescape! With Josh being our music minister we don't have a chance to go to sunday school since that's when we prepare for worship; i help sing as a worship praise singer. :( I wish we had people like you to lead us!

Jenna said...

Oh what I wouldn't give to be in ya'lls young adult group!!!!!

Kelley said...

That looks like a lot of fun! Our parties start next week! We are having a 4 day in a row treat party at school this week. We are all assigned to bring something one day of those four. It has been amazing so far.

Meg said...

i found your blog off of kelly's and i love reading it!! there is NOTHING like a close mother-daughter relationship and also nothing like a grandmother and grandchild!! it is beyond special! i love reading your writings and seeing your love for your family. merry, merry Christmas to you and yours!!

Girl with the Curlz said...

Looks like a fun time and good food. I have the same glass drink dispenser in your picture. Too funny.

Julie said...

The party looked like a lot of fun and the home was beautiful. We have played Apples to Apples and love it!

Merry Christmas!!

Erin said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time! Love the pic of you and your hubby.