Monday, February 11, 2008

Got ice??

We woke up this morning to rain and ice falling down. Brrr! S drove his truck to work. Alot of schools were closing but I don't think our local school is closed. It is suppose to warm up later in the day. I wonder how this will effect the clean-up crews in the neighboring town that had the awful tornado damage. Weather in Arkansas is always changing! Never gets boring!!


Kelly said...

The # of weather changes we have had in the last week or two is SO crazy. From 70 degrees to 2 days of snow to tornados to warmer weekend to ice.
Let's move to Hawaii where it's always warm!

The Garners said...

I'm just ready for spring, aren't you!?!

Faith said...

I know that we here in the northeast are sure ready for spring! I love your blog! I visited a while back but haven't been here in a long time. It's beautiful!

Guy and Julie said...

I LOVE winter weather (as long as I can stay home and no one gets hurt :) Hope you can stay inside with a pot of soup and a warm blanket!

Megan said...

You can say that again! I was wearing my flip flops one day and the next I had my snow boots on! Be careful in that ice.