Monday, February 4, 2008

SWEET Dreams

We have been at church all day today and it is 10 p.m. and we are just now getting back to the hotel. We have had a wonderful day of singing and preaching! Tonight we hear Tommy Nelson and Johnny Hunt. It was wonderful!

I wanted to share the pictures of the "sweet treasures" we found when we went to St. Augustine the other day. They hand-make pralines and all kinds of sweet goodies and we were really like kids in a candy shop for real! We were good though and only bought a couple of the chocolate turtle pralines. They were delicious and surely not too full of calories!

One more full day of the conference and we will head for home Wednesday morning!


The Garners said...


Guy and Julie said...

What a fun and refreshing "vacation"--I guess you're technically working, but it looks like you've had a wonderful time!

Morris Family said...

Those treats look delicious!! Looks like you are having a great time!!!

Leigh Ann said...

That looks sooo delicious! I wouldn't have been as good as you. I'm sure I would have come out with many things!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

YUM-O! Those pralines look delicious. I'm jealous that you've been in warm, sunny Florida. I'm in Colorado and we've had snow, snow, and more snow, with temps in the single digits. It hit 30 today and felt tropical! :)

I linked over here from Kelly's blog. I like her so much, and so glad to have discovered your blog as well!

Hope you made it home safely!
