I've spent many of these rainy day sorting through old pictures trying to get them organized into themes or people groups or time-lines. After many hours sorting, a theme seems to run through our family. I started getting my two children's pictures separated so I might possibly (and that's a BIG possibly) make them each an album of their childhood pictures. The reoccurring theme in our lives seems to be that we are dog people!
There were more dog pictures than children pictures! We have dog pictures with the kids, us, each set of grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and neighbors and their dogs too!
We got our first family pet, a cocker spaniel named Buster, when our son was in kindergarten and our daughter was in second grade. He was a delightful member of the family and that's the way he was treated. We loved him dearly and he literally grew up with the kids.When my son was a senior in high school and our daughter was in college Buster got ill with cancer in his mouth and we had to put him to sleep. I'll never forget that day! I was teaching school and my husband called me to tell me the prognosis from the vet: Buster was not going to make it. So I left school, went by ,checked my son out of class and met my husband at the vet's office. The three of us stood by Buster and cried like babies. It was very difficult for all of us. We now have his remains (ashes to ashes) in the tin shown above next to his picture.
The next dog-in-waiting for us was a Jack Russell terrier named Eddie. He was very cute and VERY active. We lived near several cow pastures. Eddie would take off anytime he got outside and run to see the cows. We would chase him down and bring him home. He got real friendly with the little Shiz-su (?) next door and we found out we were going to be grandparents. Those little mixed dogs were so cute. But, atlast, Eddie did not live a long life. Some cattle owner down the road didn't think Eddie should be so friendly and visit with his cows, so he shot him. It was a shock for us ! So.............
We got the BOYS! We first got Kramer , a West Highland terrier,from a young couple in Little Rock who were expecting a new baby and really didn't have room in their apartment for a dog. About six months later they called and ask if we knew anyone who would want Kramer's brother, who belong to their parents. And , of course, we didn't want to see the brother go to just anyone so we took him too! So now we have Kramer and Buddy! "THE BOYS"
Skipper, our newest member of the household, has an interesting story too. He is a beautiful cocker spaniel and someone apparently just threw him out on the road and abandoned him.
A friend of ours found him and tried to find the owners to no avail. Well, we decided to take him in too. At first he was to be a pet for my mother but he was just too much for her to handle.
I personally picked 500 ticks off him and I swear he would have died if someone had not come to his rescue. He got the treatment he needed and has turned out to be a delightful dog. We love him too. The Boys get along with him fine.Last, but not least, we have a granddog named Dawson. This is a picture of him when he was just a pup! He is so cute. He comes to visit and stay with his country cousins when his Mom and Dad go on vacations sometimes. The Boys show him the ropes of country life and take him on snipe hunts!!
Yes, we are dog people. No cats allowed! I'm not sure if any other dogs will cross our paths anyway soon. If they have a poor enough story, I'm sure we would take them in!!
17 hours ago
Dawson said he loves visiting his grandparents but he doesn't love roughing it with those other dogs. ha!! He likes to be able to lay on the couch in the heat/air and watch soap operas during the day.
This is a cute cute post--love it! I remember sweet Buster--he was a beautiful (handsome) dog. I think Mom & Dad are beginning to wonder if Oliver (my spaniel that they took custody of when I left for OBU) is going to live to be 100!?
That was such a sweet post. It makes me so happy to see people who love their pets!
Aren't pets wonderful!
I CANNOT BELIEVE SOMEONE SHOT YOUR DOG!!! My husband would probably want to shoot the person that tried doing that! Maybe not, but I would seriously have to talk him out of it!
We are such dog people too. We have strictly forbidden each other from going to Petsmart by ourselves on the weekends when they have animal adoptions. We want to bring them all home every time!
How funny! I'm a dog mom, too, but my boys are too big to come in the house. CJ had his check up/rabies shots last week and topped the scales at 66lbs. That's with only 3 legs, he might have weighed 68 with all 4 limbs. He was a shelter/rescue dog, too.
Darrell (I did NOT name him, let's just clarify that right now) is a blue heeler mix. He's a big brave dog...until it thunders.
I love Cockers, I had one when I was a kid, his name was Spanky. I still have pictures of him, too.
Mom, you forgot Scooter! He was a Westie whose life was cut a bit short by a garbage truck.
And hopefully next year we can add a grandpug into the mix.
I realized the same thing when looking at old pictures, except it was cats...sorry! And I tried to use that explanation with my hubby - to try and get a cat - but no go! I love the outfits on "the boys" - priceless!
i love the little brother dogs. they are so cute!
i'm dog people too. guess you figured that from all the sophie pictures on my blog.
The "boys" are sooo cute in their little jackets. They are lucky dogs to still be together.
Thank you for your sweet words about Evan. I always look forward to reading your comments. I'm always encouraged, so I thank you so much. I saw on your profile some time ago that you were a special needs teacher. I can't believe I didn't know that until recently. How I pray for a teacher like you for Evan. Thank you for praying for him. It means the world to me.
Mom - I can't believe you forgot SCOOTER??????????
Good morning Judy! I love your dogs and granddog...we have "allie" a mixed breed of some kind that is spoiled and thinks she's a person. We also have a grandpuppy (grown up) a red nose pit bull that is sooo sweet (belongs to son and DIL).
About the rub ons at HL, go over in the section where they have scrapbook paper and stickers, you'll have to look at EVERY ONE cause the ones I got were sorta hidden. They have lots of stickers and quite a bit of rub ons but for some reason, not fleur de lis ones....I hope you find some and we see a project from you soon.
I love this post - makes me think about all the dogs that have come into my life - and boy, there have been a lot of them! Though I do have to disagree with you about the cats...I love 'em, too!
What a sweet post! Dogs add so much to our lives. I have a westie and feel as if she is my child. I would love to get a "sister" for her - I think Westies do well in pairs! Thanks for sharing.
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