My sister( who teaches school and just got out of school this past Friday) and I are going on a little short trip together to see some old friends and our cousin and then go to our old hometown in South Arkansas.
We always go "home" if we can occasionally to go to the gravesite of our Mother and Daddy.
It is a very strange feeling everytime we go because I have been to that cemetery many, many times in my childhood. My grandfather and uncle are buried there and I never even got to meet them. My grandmother, three aunts and another uncle are also buried there. Also my English teacher,former neighbors, my friend's parents, uncles, bothers, sisters, cousins, etc. I know so many of the people buried there.
But now it is different because my Mom and Dad are there. It's hard to describe the feeling I get when I go there now. I'm happy they are both with the Lord and I wouldn't want them back after experiencing the joys of heaven but it is strange still to see their graves. I guess you just never "get over" losing your parents!
Anyway, I will be back after a few days of whirling around with my sister! We might even get some shopping in ! Imagine that!!
5 hours ago
Have fun on your trip!!!! I know you will! Tell Janice I said hi!
Oh, I hope you have a fun trip with your sister, and I hope your time at the cemetery is full of great memories of your parents.
Thanks for taking a look inside my home!
I hope you enjoy your trip with your sister.
I am glad that you and your sister are able to take this trip together! That will be so much fun! I am sure that it is difficult to go to the gravesite now that your Mom and Dad are there, but may the time that you spend there be a wonderful remember of the legacy they left behind. I rejoice with you that they are both with the Lord! You are only separated for a little while and then you'll be together for all eternity! Have a wonderful time and be safe!
I know the feeling, I went to the cemetery the week before we left on our trip and it was really hard to see Dad's headstone. All the emotions come rushing back.
Have fun on your trip, sisters are always fun traveling companions.
Have a wonderful trip! It sounds like a great opportunity to make wonderful memories with your sister!
I feel the same way when I go to my grandfather's grave. I lived with them in high school and college and we were very close. He is buried in an old country cemetary and it is very peaceful and quiet there.
Next time you're in Monticello...let me know.
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