When I started blogging last August I had no idea what I was doing. My daughter thought it would be fun for me to have my own blog so she gave me a few pointers and I started my blog knowing full well I had no idea about computer technology.
However, I enjoyed taking pictures and relaying some stories about my everyday world just for the fun of it. I guess it's probably pretty narcissistic to some but to others it is more like a journal. When you get my age you tend to remember your high school cheerleader sponsor 's maiden name but forget who you met for lunch yesterday! Trust me, it will happen to you!
This week, right after I push the "publish post" button about the birthday of my father-in-law, my computer crashed! I have heard of people talking about their computer "crashing" but I didn't fully get the jest of that until this week. EVERYTHING was gone! (We had a professional company try to retrieve information....they couldn't)
Well, now I have a new hard disk and my WONDERFUL hubby put everything back on for me and I am back in business. But here's the saddest part for me: It feels like I've had a housefire and lost all my pictures. I had 6 years worth of pictures(not on any other file of course) and I have lost all of them. Pictures of my kids, other people's kids, my Dad and Mom, vacations, holidays,mission trips, church activities, yada.....yada......yada! I am just sick about it but I am starting over and believe me, every picture I take will be "backed up" to another disk.
So if you haven't put your pictures on something else, take it from me and my experience and take the time to save them or your will be like me.......pictureless!
1 day ago
I know just wehat you are tlaking about. Last summer my new laptop (3 weeks old) crashed. I had yet to save my pictures to a disk...but the people at Brooks-Jeffrey in Mtn. Home were able to get all of my stuff off of it before I had to send off for a new computer!! Thanks to people who know what they are doing!! So now after I add pictures, I immediately save them!!
I know you're far away from here but I wish I could send my hubby to fix it for you! Seriously, there is nothing he can't do on a computer! He just recently fixed a friend's computer that crashed and had months of business info on it. I have no idea how he fixes it but apparently it IS fixable...? He has had to do this on numerous occasions. Seriously, let me know if you would like his contact info!
I'm so sorry you lost your pics...I would be heartsick. It's a good reminder to back mine up!
You have just described one of my greatest fears. I am SO sorry this happened to you!
I agree with sarah, your pictures are retrievable. Maybe you can find a techie in your church or nearby who could take a look into it. My Hubs fixed a computer in 30 minutes that the Dell service rep told to throw out the window. You haven't lost them.
As for backing up photos, I highly recommend Flickr.com. Disks can get scratched & lost, but on-line storing is reliable.
I'm so sorry for you! We had the same thing happen about 4 years ago. I had pictures of my grandfather before he passed away and they are lost!! I cried and cried. Bryan felt awful. I use Wal-Mart.com and Shutterfly for some online storage. I've also put some on cds.
Good luck!!
OH NO!! I am so sorry that this happened. Thank you for the reminder to back things up though, I never do that and would lose a ton of stuff too.
I am so sorry that this happened to you. As you know, my daughter is the one that encouraged me to blog, also. I am right there with you on the memory! Isn't that the weirdest thing that you can remember what happened 20 years ago, but you can't remember what you ate for dinner? It is so frustrating! Thank you for reminding all of us to backup our information. I have an external hard drive for that purpose, but am not as good about using it as I need to be. I pray that someone will still be able to recover your information from your old hard drive.
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry!
Oh, I'm SO sorry this happened. My computer has crashed before and I did lose some things as well. After it happened, I made sure Derek was backing up all our pictures on his computer. Thanks for the reminder because I am now going to remind him again! I'm sorry that happened, but I'm sure Kelly has some pictures she can replace for you, so maybe that will ease the loss somewhat. Technology is great until it doesn't do what you want it to. You know?
Oh no! That's terrible.
I am so sorry you lost your pictures!
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