Every year for the past ten years or so our church has been actively involved in Operation Christmas Child. For the past three years we have been the local Relay Center for our area.
Operation Christmas Child is part of Samaritan's Purse under the leadership of Franklin Graham. People all over our country pack "shoeboxes" with gifts for children all over the world. Each child will receive a shoebox and booklets in their own language telling them the good news of Jesus Christ. These children are so needy and this is a tangible way we can help children all over the world from our own homes.
I can tell you from my experience in Nicaragua and Romania, these little children get excited about receiving things like toothbrushes, socks, little toys, etc. They don't have the vast array of material possessions as our children here in America do. They are so thankful.
I hope you will help your children/grandchildren pack several boxes this year. It is a wonderful way to teach your children to give to others.

Fall is very much in full force this week. The trees are turning colors and it has been in the 40's in the morning with the past couple of days only a high in the 50's! Brrrrrrrr ....a little early!
Must be the global warming!
That view is fabulous! It looks like you all had a great time! Operation Christmas Child is wonderful.
I have done Operation Christmas Child several times but this year I want to do it with my granddaughter who is about to turn two. Her parents so want her to be grateful for what she has....and what better way than sharing with others.
Christmas with your Harper will be so fun this year!
From one Nonny to another....
I am the faculty advisor for the Psychology Club at the university where I teach, Sacred Heart University, and last year the service project the club did was Operation Christmas Child. The students really liked it and they had a good time.
I found the soups at BJ's Wholesale Club in the refrigerated cases, but they are the cases on the floor and not the standing upright ones (gosh, I hope that makes sense). :)They are in the same case as the salsa and sushi and hummus.
I LOVE doing the Operation Christmas Child boxes. It makes me appreciate what I have, because I know they get excited about what's in a tiny shoebox. And we have so much more.
Our church was a collection center for OCC for years. We still participate. This year we are also excited to be sending gifts to our Girl's Home in India!
Love OCC! We were in an orphanage in Kyiv when they were handed out- rips your heart out! Just this weekend we had a teen who had been an orphan in a Moldovan orphanage give her testimony on how a box changed her life.
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