Can it be possible ...................

Kelly, you know how you feel about Harper ?..........we have felt that way about you for 36 years!
Happy Birthday Kelly!
You are loved!
Mom and Dad
(known these days as Nonny and Papa)
Can it be possible ...................
Posted by His Doorkeeper at 12:01 AM
Lovely post! You are truly blessed! Kelly is such an air of freshness and a Godly example!
Soooooooooo sweet!!!!!! Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!! :)
Sweet memories!!! Happy Birthday to Kelly!!!
LOVE the pictures! Happy Birthday Kelly! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful family! Thanks for sharing with us. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
Paatty from TX!
Happy birthday to Kelly!!! It is so neat to look at these old pics!
Oh Judy this is so sweet! I ALWAYS love how you do the old pictures! You are a sweet Mom!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Kelly!
My friend Mary here at the hospital said yesterday she remembers Kelly going home in the Santa outfit. I had forgot about that. Beautiful post Judy for a beautiful girl. Love yall!
Oh wow! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I'm sure you saw my comment on Kelly's blog about the whole bday/Christmas thing and boy do I have some questions for you! haha! Your daughter is such an inspiration to alot of us out here in the blog world and of course your grand daughter is just amazing. Merry Christmas!
Awwww...I love all those old pictures. I know you feel so blessed to have such a sweet daughter!
Such a sweet post! Love all the cute pictures. Happy Birthday to your sweet Kelly. She is loved by so many!
What a sweet post! I love to see moms and daughters who both blog.
Thank you - I love you!
I'm not sure about all the pictures though.
how sweet!!!! Loved seeing all the Kelly pics! She is such a sweet person! Glad she sent us over here from her blog! :)
Oh I love this. Those pictures are awesome. And that last line just made me tear up. You are the sweetest mama! Happy Birthday to Kelly!
Happy Birthday Kelly, have a great one
How precious! I love the first picture! Happy Birthday, Kelly!
Your last comment just brought me to so very sweet!
Kelly is so blessed to have such wonderful parents...and I don't mind saying that you raised an AWESOME woman :)
Wonderful post! You two are the best parents ever. :)
What a sweet and precious post for your girl. I have been reading Kelly's blog for about a year now. She is such a sweet girl. You have raised her well in the Lord.
Many blessings to you this Christmas,
I love this! It looks like you have given Kelly some wonderful memories!
Oh so sweet! It made me cry when you said you have felt that way for 36 sweet! Happy Birthday to your daughter, what a wonderful family you all have!
Visiting from your daughter's blog...and that is just the sweetest post EVER!
Aw, I just teared up when I saw what you wrote about how Kelly feels about Harper, that's how you have felt about her for 36 years. That is so sweet! I'm 36 too, and both of my parents are in heaven, and that sure made me miss my mama! Merry Christmas and Happy Kelly's Birthday to you!
came this way through kelly's blog. what a sweet post. your last thought about feeling for 36 years about kelly how she feels about harper - i couldn't hold back the tears! thank you for sharing.
Sweet post and I hope she has a wonderfully blessed birthday as well!
You have a very special daughter and she is blessed with wonderful parents.
Blessings always,
matthew 21:22
I came over from Kelly's blog. Love the post! Can tell from Kelly's blog how close your family is and how much you love one another! Such a blessing! =) Kelly is such a Godly woman and mother. I know you are very proud of her!
So incredibly sweet! Happy Birthday, Kelly!!
What sweet pictures. You and your husband clearly did a wonderful job raising Kelly. May God continue to bless your family. Merry Christmas!
Kelly really is blessed to have such sweet parents. She tells us how great y'all are all the time. What a great post :) God bless you and your family!
As a young mother myself, I loved when you said "you know how you feel about Harper . . . ". That was something that really hit me once I became a mom--this is how my mom must feel . . .
Happy Birthday to Kelly!
This is a cute post. Happy birthday Kelly!
Happy Birthday to the Mom that birthed the birthday girl, too! They will always be our babies, won't they?
Hello, "Kelly's Mom." =) I had to come here from her link and say happy birth day to you, too! You have done a lovely, lovely job raising your daughter - I so appreciate her positive thoughts on her blog each day!
What a lovely post!
What a sweet, sweet post. The comment about loving Harper & loving Kelly brought tears to my touching! Thanks for sharing Kelly through the years.
what a joy your daughter is! love each of those pictures:)
Love all the pictures. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl.
You both did an excellent job raising Kelly she is such a humble Christian woman and like they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. What a beautiful post for your beautiful daughter!
Love the post! Ya'll did a wonderful job with Kelly!
wow she has changed! i have too. i had some scary teenage pictures! i love her little bob haircut where she looks about 5. i know how it feels to have a baby around christmas now. it sure makes the season a bit busier.
That is so sweet! I love all the pictures, but I must say the first one was the MOST entertaining!
That is so sweet...God Bless your sweet family!!!
This is so sweet. I loved all the pictures and have always thought the world of Kelly. You are blessed to have such a beautiful daughter INSIDE AND OUT!
That is such a sweet post about your daughter! I hope ya'll have a very Merry Christmas!
<3 Bonnie
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