We just got home tonight after making a quick trip to Dallas to see Hubby's Mother, Sister, her hubby and two children. They have just moved into a new house and it is very nice!! We also got a visit with our son and his wife. This is a picture of me and my son!
Grandma is telling my son something interesting!
Here my sister-in-law, Kathy, cooking in her new kitchen! She is a good cook and a great hostess! Her hubby Tom was there too and somehow I failed to get a picture of him with her!
Sorry Tom!
This is our niece, Molly and our nephew, Jackson. Molly is working on a Master's degree,and Jackson is a freshman in college. Carrie, my daughter-in-law is working on a Master's degree and our son Chris will finish his Master's degree in May.
I got so tickled at her and her little teapot she got for Christmas. She loves it and Kelly was holding it up and she opened her mouth like she knew "Tea" or something was suppose to be flowing out!!

She loves books and we are so happy about that! I read all the time to my children and they both were early readers. I imagine Harper will follow suit! There are so many wonderful children's books today. It is hard to pick just one or two at a time!
Sounds like one of "those" Christmas letters telling you what the kids are doing whether you ask or not!!
We had a funny thing happen as we were leaving their house around ten p.m. As we were getting ready to get in our car, an elderly lady drove up, rolled down her window and said, "I'm lost". She had been driving around looking for someone who could help her. She said she had gone to the store but had left her purse home. She didn't know any of her kid's phone numbers. She seemed pretty mixed up. We, of course, wanted to help her and get her back home safely. She did know her address. Chris got out his iphone and found where she lived.
We decided she probably shouldn't be driving by herself so Chris drove her home while Carrie followed him. To make a long story short, she was pretty far away from home and this was the second time in a couple of weeks she had done this. I think someone may need to take her car keys to protect her. It just made me sad to think of what could of happen to her on such a cold night out by herself lost!
Here is our Granddog, Miss Coco Chanel!!
She loves her Poppa!!
Last night the kids took us to their favorite pizza place, Grimaldi's in Uptown. They had eaten at one when they went to New York and wanted us to try it! It was really tasty on a cold, wet winter's night.
They drove us around Highland Park and looked at some of the more elaborate Christmas decorating. They have this thing about putting lights on every, and I mean EVERY tree limb on the biggest trees. It was beautiful but I just have to wonder who does all the work?

After we toured the lights of Dallas, we had to make a little stop at Starbucks for coffee!
This morning we were up at five o'clock ready to leave because the weather had been pretty snowy and we weren't sure how the highway would be on the way home.
We had decided that we would drop by and see Miss Harper for a hour or so on the way home.
Here she is looking up at her Poppa saying "Hi".
We are so tired tonight. It was a long day but we did so enjoy getting to see our family.
We are so thankful for a loving family! God has truly blessed us!
Can't believe 2009 is almost over. It has been the fastest year of my life, I believe. This time last year we were anxiously awaiting the birth of Harper. And at the end of this year, because of the graciousness of a kind and loving Father, we get to hold her in our arms and look forward to the celebration of her first birthday!! Isn't God good?
Happy New Year and may you and your family be blessed in the coming year!
Happy New Year Judy and Steve. It looks like you guys had a FABULOUS time over the Christmas holidays!
So fun. Great pictures!!! Glad you got to get alot of family time in :)
So happy you had a good time with your family. Loved hearing all about it! Glad you had safe travels.
Happy New Years Eve!
Happy New Year! How awesome is God-~He knew you would help that sweet older lady out. What a blessing that you were there at that particular time! That could have been so scary for her!
You have a sweet family!!
Looks like tons of fun! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Don't you just love Highland Park? My sister has an apartment in that area and goes to the baptist church there. It's such a beautiful part of Dallas and wonderful people live there. And I LOVE that picture of Harper drinking from the tea pot :)
Just want you to know how much your daughter has impressed and inspired me this year. I know it is because God has given her such wonderful parents. I also enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the interesting things you do in your ministry. Thank you from my heart. Happy 2010!!! dsfox625@hotmail.com
Glad y'all got to go see your family. You have a couple of pretty famous grand"children" between Harper and Coco (I've enjoyed watching his movies!).
We're chillin' at the house this New Year's Eve. I guess we're old. Happy New Year!
There's a great web site for preschool book recommendations. It's beginningwithbooks.org. Check it out. I've ordered several of their recommendations and have always been plesed.
Happy New Year Miss Judy!! It looks like you all had a busy holiday season but got to see all your family!! Family means everything above all else!! And Miss Harper is growing so fast!
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