Monday, June 28, 2010


It always funny to me that big dogs are more skittish than small dogs!

Yesterday when it was thundering , poor Bobber found a place on the back deck to hide: under the grill cover!  

Not a very good picture because I was in the house looking out my kitchen window.  But he stayed under there quite a while.

And then he got quite comfortable lying next to the grill with just a little cover for protection.

Then, once the sun came out and the coast was clear, he found a more comfortable spot to perch!!

Ya got to love 'em!!


Becky said...

Poor Bobber, our golden retriever, Sadie, used to shake all over when it would storm!

The Garners said...

That's so cute!

Jo said...

Bobber reminds me of my yellow lab Emily who died in Jan She hated storms and would cover her head when they came - she also was very much a comfort pup and didn't ever meet a place to lay down she didn't like -thanks for bringing a happy thought and smile to me today

Michelle said...

Bobber is smart to still have his natural protective instincts ... unlike little spoiled Bichons, like my Lizzi Lou. She's oblivious to the "dangers" of a storm, and will even bark back at thunder ... but her own shadow scares her to death. Go figure! :)

Patty said...

That is so funny! We had a thunderstorm last night and our Daisy(lab mix) hid under the desk. lol You are right, gotta love em'!

Melissa's Thoughts said...

Our Anna hides under the bed. In fact she stayed there a good part of the afternoon only to come out when her boy returned from his vacation. Love them.

Lauren said...

He is too cute!!!!!! :)

Erin said...

So funny!

Jacquie said...

Poor Bobber!! The rain was WONDERFUL though, wasn't it?

Robyn gave Izzy a shot (anti-inflammatory)... she says it's her knee. I don't think it's too serious at this point.

grandma sandy said...

We had a german shepherd that knocked down the screened door to the porch one July 4th trying to get inside. During the hot air balloon races we once had to sedate him when the hot air balloons came flying over our lake and towards the house! Poor 'lil buddy.

Heather said...

I love him! So cute! Our lab took a nap in the mud today and my hubby didn't look at her before he let her in the house----MUD EVERYWHERE!!! So she is in my "doghouse" but I still love her! :)

OH- and I made your Chicken Enchilada Ring for dinner tonight and it was HIT!!! We loved it!

Anonymous said...

I am babysitting my granddog (pit bull) while my son is in Iraq and she is afraid of the dark. We call her the skeerdy-dog. We keep a nightlight in her room, and if we let her out to go potty after dark she wont get out or the range of the porch light.

Allisyn said...

I love Bobber and I love that he loves you guys and you love him.

Run26.2Mom said...

Poor thing! I think he had a plan. If you are going to have to head for cover why not do it where you might be able to find a few crumbs to eat. Smart dog.