Several weeks ago a sweet blogger named Richella over at Imparting Grace had a little contest.
What caught my eye were the beautiful paper napkins. For some strange, unknown reason, I love beautiful paper napkins! Richella and I share the love of all kinds of napkins....the colors and just can't have enough in my mind!
Anyway, I decided to leave a comment on her beautiful blog and entered her contest. There are lots of blogs who have give-aways and I have rarely entered any but this just seemed right that day.
Well, guess who won!!!!!
I was so tickled when I received the email from Richella that I had won all the goodies she had picked for her give-away! You would have thought the Reader's Digest Prize Patrol had landed on my front door!
So I just have to share with you the sweet things that came in my box this week. Richella is a lovely Southern girl from North Carolina and her home is just beautiful! And, Richella, as they say, "I bet if we lived closer we would be good friends"!!
Thank you so much....everything is just lovely and my pictures don't do it justice!

I can't wait to put up my "Welcome" sign!
Here's two of the three packages of beautiful napkins! Aren't they colorful?
There was also a box of notes for writing those "real mail" notes on!
Also included was this beautiful cross, two candle holders with leather-smelling candles (I thought that was very neat) and a beautiful book called "Prayers from the Heart".
I wanted to share one of those prayers:
Body Prayer
I pray today with my head, Lord, lifting it heavenward in adoration.
I pray today with my eyes, Lord, looking for the things that are not seen.
I pray today with my hands, Lord, raising them in jubilant praise.
I pray today with my knees, Lord, bowing in submission and contrition.
I pray today with my feet, Lord,working with all my might.
May you be pleased with my prayer.
Richella also included a CD of Christmas music recorded by some musicians from her church.
I am anxious to listen to it and let it fill my home with some lovely music for the season!
Last, but certainly not least, she sent me this beautiful little silver cross which just looks beautiful on my silver tree!
Thank you again, Richella! I love all my gifts and I feel blessed to have the beautiful things hand-picked from such a lovely lady !
Oh how fun--cute cute stuff! I love paper napkins, too. I always stop at that section at The Crown Shop to look, even if I have no reason to buy them. :)
You hit the jackpot! Congratulations. You sure got some lovely things. Enjoy!!! Love & blessings from NC!
wow! congratulations! Isn't so nice to get a package in the mail?Enjoy all of it.
How nice! What a wonderful gift to win! And what an amazing package!!
How wonderful! Richella is the sweetest friend to all bloggrs. It could not have gone to a nicer lady as well.
Oh, Judy, I'm so glad your package arrived safely and that you're enjoying the contents!
I love that particular prayer you quoted. Richard Foster writes so well about prayer (have you read his book Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home?)--and he also is honestly a man of prayer! I hope your heart will be lifted as you enjoy reading some of his prayers.
No doubt about it--if we lived closer, we'd be good friends. I look forward to being your long-distance friend!
Oh yes, I understand your love of paper napkins. I am crazy about napkins, wish some weren't so expensive! So many cute ones! A few years ago, someone would put a package of napkins into my church mailbox from time to time. So sweet! I never knew who did it - still don't! (it must have been someone who knew I loved company). What a fun package you got and I liked the prayer too.
Awesome!!! Congratulations:) What a fun box to open!
What a awesome box of goodies to recieve ,Bet you had lots of fun opening the package and finding all the beautiful things in it.
Oh, you got some cute stuff. I love the Welcome sign and the cross ornament!
Great gifts! I so wished I lived closer I think we would be great friends, you and your family inspire me! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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