I am an early riser. Well, not real early...like some people who get up at 4 a.m. but I usually am up every day of the week by 6:oo a.m.(yes, Sat and Sun too) Something about once I'm awake, I HAVE to get up!
I love early mornings. After a hot shower, I make breakfast for Hubs and see him off to work. Then I usually do a few little things like starting the washer and the never-empty laundry basket!
Usually, unless I have an early morning appointment, around 8:30 I sit down on the little love seat in the bay window of my bedroom and have my "quiet time" with Bible reading, notes of who I need to pray for and prayer. I love my window in my bedroom because I look out in all seasons and see nothing but trees and usually the sun rising in the sky. I always say, "Good Morning Lord" and thank Him for the beauty just outside my window!
I read a little devotion book called Journey that our church makes available every month. Then I read the scripture that goes with the day's devotion and also Beth Moore's "Praying God's Word Day by Day".
I love God's Word. It never gets old, never boring, always relevant to whatever the need is for me that day. This is how I know God Word is alive and this is how a Holy God speaks to us.
I just was impressed with something said in my devotional for today and I wanted to share it with you.
It just spoke to me and maybe you need to hear it today too.
It began by talking about how God has spoken for over thousands of years, teaching us about Himself through His word.
This is the part I loved: " Come to the Bible with reverence. You are holding the VERY WORDS of God. Come to the Scripture with a thankful heart. God protected His Word through a lot of circumstances to create this moment where you sit holding it before you. And come to the Scripture with a sense of expectancy. As you read, His Word breathes life into your soul."
Psalm 119:105 says, "Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light unto my path".
I don't know what need you have in your life right at this present time, but I need God's voice in my ear on a daily basis. I am just overwhelmed that a Holy God would care about me. And I am so thankful I can trust Him and His Word for everything I need.....not want.....just everything I need. And, mostly, I just need HIM!
What scripture has spoken to you recently? How do you apply it to your daily life?
18 hours ago
I preached last week on Deuteronomy 30. The part that really spoke to me was, "Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying him, and holding fast to him."
I just kept thinking, what does it mean to CHOOSE a life of loving God? What does it mean to integrate that love into every choice you make every single day of your life?
What a lovely picture you created in my mind as you told us about your quiet time with the Lord. I felt like I was sitting there with you in the bedroom looking out the window at all of the trees...feeling God's presence as you read His word and spoke His name in prayer!
That kind of personal fellowship with the Creator is available to each and every one of us...yet how many of us don't take the time to be in quietness and meet with Him every morning?!!!
My favorite part of the day is my morning devotion and prayer time with my husband. Since we are retired we can do that together...and I LOVE it.
We just finished reading through the Bible and what a blessing that was to read it, and study it together!
Judy, we are so blessed to have our spiritual freedoms aren't we? Here in America we just don't realize what a privilege it is to own a Bible! Yet people in other parts of the world desire to have one and it is forbidden.
Thank you for sharing this today. I just love having you for a blog friend. You are a special lady!
God Bless You!
Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Glad you are back! I need to be more like you and get up early! Unfortunately, most mornings I sleep until Cilla wakes up!
I have never commented before, but I have read for awhile. I have been going through a rough time the past few years as my mom is losing her fight with Ovarian cancer (final months now), struggling with weight, finances, and marriage. I have slowly found my way back to church and the Lord, after seeing my Mom's unwavering faith. I just started the "Made to Crave" study and a verse has stuck with me. "Commit your actions to the Lord, & your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
I have found this to be so true with so many aspects of my life right now. I started a weight loss plan, a financial plan, a plan with my psychiatrist on how to deal with all the emotions I'm going through, and even a housekeeping plan so I'm not trying to play catch-up after spending a day with my mom.
My mom has claimed 1 Thess 5:11 as her life verse "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing" This verse sums up my mom's life for the past 7 years as she has battled her cancer. She is an amazing woman.
Sorry for the short story, I just felt led to share.
God bless you and your family.
Thank you for this post--it was oh so timely--proof that our God works through others too! A scripture that keeps coming to mind for the past few weeks is "who of you can add an hour to your life by worrying" (I paraphrased slightly)...Guess I need to be working on casting my cares (umm..and not taking them back).
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