I haven't blogged since August. Nothing is wrong other than I was not motivated enough to sit down and write about the probably very non-interesting things in my life.
BUT…..today is different!
I could not let this day go by without remembering back forty (Is that right? How could that possibly be right?) years ago today.
December 22, 1973 was the day that changed my life from a young woman to someone's mother!!
Kelly was our first baby and she was born to very inexperienced parents for sure. I didn't know anything about "birthin' babies" nor had I been around babies much. I never baby-sat when I was growing up.
So Kelly was raised by much love and very little experience. She got those long naps, rocked for hours and ridden around Dallas in the car in the wee hours of the morning to get her to sleep, rice cereal that was too runny and too many Cheerios at one sitting. But, boy, was she loved!
And still is to this very day!!
Kelly, You are an awesome woman and we are so very proud of you!
It has been said that you will never know the results of your parenting until you see your children's children raised.
You are doing a great job being our grandchildren's mother!
Happy Forty Kelly! You wear it well!
22 hours ago
Happy 40th Birthday, Kelly!! And congrats, Judy, on raising such a wonderful & influential woman!!
Love the walk down memory lane! :) she doesn't look 40, that's for sure!! happy birthday to Kelly!
Happy Happy Birthday to Kelly!
Happy Birthday to your sweet Kelly and happy Birthing Day to you. I feel the same way you do. I think we have done a pretty good job when we can sit back and watch our children parent an be so very proud.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and the New year brings you much health, happiness and most of all Love.
God Bless,
And Happy *Mother's* Day to you!
Kelly is a beautiful woman and mother...you did a great job! Merry Christmas!
Hi Judy! A Happy Fortieth to Kelly! In October my daughter Lynnette was 45 and her Birthday was on a Sunday...so at church I turned it around and made it "my" celebration by telling everyone that "45 years ago today "I" was having a baby!!!" Ha!
Having our kids is something we just never forget!
Merry Christmas!
Love in Christ,
Linda Hogeland
Oh goodness! You sound so much like me with my first one! Much love and zero experience definitely sums it up! Well, Judy, it looks as though you did a great job. I really like Kelly from all I read. She is a young woman of substance. I understand why you are so proud of her. (PSST . . . I think she has a bit of minister in her, like her dad, don't you?)
Was very good to see your post. I think the same thing about myself which is why I NEVER blog, but you are not boring. You are always so refreshing and pleasant to read.
One day maybe our paths will cross . . . Maybe when life slows down a bit over here! Does that ever happen? :)
Take care and please write again! You don't know what a blessing you are - Besides enjoying hearing from you.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Melanie Keffer
Olive Branch, MS
I am a mother of two children and found Kelly's blog shortly after my first child Abigail was born. I have followed her blog for almost five years now and she is truly like the older sister I never had. Your post just made me tear up because you and your husband clearly did something right with this girl, she is an angel on earth! Happy 40th Kelly, may you have many many more! :)
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