Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Watering needed...

I have this beautiful plant on my front porch that I only paid seven dollars for at Lowe's this spring. It was so big and beautiful I couldn't believe the price. I have faithfully watered it all spring and summer. I even had my neighbor (bless his heart) water it while we were gone a couple of weeks ago. The plant requires so much water that I figured it would be withered by the time I got home if someone didn't give it a daily drink!

I was reading today in my Bible about the woman at the well. Jesus tells the woman that he can give her a drink that will make her never be thirsty again. He not talking about H2O; he's talking about Himself. Jesus is comparing himself to water.

I think about our busy lives. We fill our time with all kinds of activities. Our bodies need water everyday just to survive. But do we take time to give ourselves "living water" through prayer, reading God's word and worship at church . I can't imagine how anyone who calls themselves a follower of Jesus who doesn't thirst for Him and His work. Think about how often you are being "watered" and ask Him to lead you to the His well.


Anonymous said...

This was a good thing for me to read today...thank you!