Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Home Again and Behind as Usual!

I haven't posted anything in the past few days because I have been out of town with my hubby at our church's annual state convention. No pictures to show but it was a beautiful church and we heard lots of uplifting music, good preaching and lots of church business. We always see many other pastors that we know all over the state and we get to visit and catch up a little with many of them.

But now I'm home and got loads of laundry to do, a dinner to go to tomorrow night, and our annual Ladies Fall Soup luncheon on Saturday to get ready for! I am suppose to be "retired" but for the life of me, I got more rest when I taught school full time!! har

This time of year the months seem to go by so fast. I wish we could celebrate the "fall" season just a little longer without the Christmas "rush" feeling hanging over everyone. I do love Thanksgiving. We don't kids coming home this year so I will be inviting about 20 or so people from our church who have no family to eat with us. Or at least, that's the plan!

Anyone got a good recipe for Thanksgiving they would like to share with me? I'm open for suggestions? I'm not very good on thinking of vegetables or side dishes! My kids always want the ole hashbrowns with sourcream , mushroom soup and cheese dish! I love it too but I would like to maybe try something new! I have all the new November magazines with Thanksgiving suggestions but I find most of them have weird things in each recipe that I just can not find in our little neck of the woods! We don't have a Whole Foods or Market Place within 200 miles of us! So it's usually what ever W*Mart carrys has to do!!


Kelly said...

I'm glad you are going to invite people over for Thanksgiving - I'm sorry we won't be there!
I saw Paula Deen make a different kind of potato casserole the other day that looked so good. I've been saving it to try - I'll send you the recipe. She also made a cheesy broccoli casserole that looked so good. I'll send them both.