Friday, January 18, 2008

My First Tag!

Oh my goodness....Leigh Ann over at The Horton Family has tagged me to answer some questions about myself! Thanks, Leigh Ann, this is a first for me!

Four jobs I've had:

1. secretary in a hospital
2. secret shopper for a department store
(checked prices of several competing stores)
3. receptionist/ law librarian for a law firm
4. special education teacher

Four places I lived:

1. Fayetteville
2. Dallas
3. Ft. Worth
4. New Orleans

Four movies I've watched over and over:

1. Sleepless in Seattle
2. Gone with the Wind
3. Sixth Sense
4. Imitation of Life

Four shows I watch:

1. 24
2. American Idol
3. Lost
4. House Hunters

Four places I've been:

1. Hawaii
2. Nicaragua
3. Romania
4. Hungary

Four people who e-mail me regularly:

1. Kelly
2. Pottery Barn!
3. Ballard Designs!
4. Kohl's !

Four favorite thing to eat:

1. pot roast
2. peanut butter pie
3.Chinese (PF CHANGS)
4. steamed veggies from OutBack

Four places I'd rather be:

1. I'd rather be here at home than anywhere but...
2. Fayetteville
3. Dallas
4. anywhere hubs go, I just want to be there

Four things I look forward to this new year:

1. Possible being a Grandma!
2. Getting a new daughter in the family in July
3. Trip to Nicaragua in September
4. Seeing what the Lord is up to

Four people to tag:

2. Jamie
3. Laurie
4. Jessica McC


Kelly said...

When did you have jobs #1 and #2?

His Doorkeeper said...

Kelly, I worked in two different hospitals in the summers when I was in high school.

I did the shopper job part-time when we lived in Arlington and you and Chris were in Mother's Day Out. We were poor and I needed to work when I could!

Melissa Stover said...

look forward to you being a grandmother too. praying for kelly.

Leigh Ann said...

I, too, am looking forward to you becoming a grandmother!

Judy said...

Hi Judy! Thanks for visiting my blog. Your daughter is so-o-o beautiful, inside and out. What a wonderful testament to how she was raised. I also love your story and photos of your mom. My mother is 87 years young. I know deep in my heart she won't be around forever but I KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT where she'll be when she leaves this world. I can't imagine not having my mom.
I loved reading about you. Check out my post later this weekend....I ate at PF Chang's today in B'ham with my son and daughter!
This will be short but I'm glad we've been introduced. I'm adding you to my blogroll.
Peace - Judy

The Garners said...

This was so fun to read! I always enjoy these.