Sunday, January 6, 2008

One step closer to that "honey-do" list being done...

Alot of women want to show you pictures of their new diamond rings, furs, luxury automobiles, etc. that their husbands get for them but not me! I want you to see my new shelves in my garage!! I'm so excited! We bought these probably over two years ago and they have sitting in a box in the garage waiting to be put together.......another item on the "honey-do" list for my hubby.

Well, yesterday turned off warm and my sweet hubby crossed another thing off his shelves! I can hardly wait till tomorrow because I am going to go through all my Christmas stuff first and repack, reorganize and horrors, maybe even throw away some stuff!! And now it will all live together in mutual bliss on an assigned spot on my new shelves!!! Thank you, dear hubby, and now let me see what's left on your list........!


The Garners said...

Oh boy--I would be thrilled about shelves in the garage too! You've been keeping S busy with that honey-do list, but it all looks so nice! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Honey-Do list! We have decided this this is going to be our Year of Do where we tackle so many projects as we can! We'll see how that goes! Yeah for new shelves!