Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Who are the Doggies in your neighborhood.....?

I heard someone knocking on my door this morning and when I opened the door, three neighbor dogs had come to visit!!
These are Great Pyrenees and they are LARGE, to say the least!!
Yesterday I was out on the edge of our property washing our vinyl fence (it needs cleaning at least once a year) and my neighbor came by in his car looking for one of his dogs. Jeff, the oldest dog, had not come home when "called "(get this: he fires a gun in the air and all the dogs come running) and he was worried about him since he is nearly 14 years old. That's old for a large dog.
We talked "dogs" for a long time and I promised to be on the lookout for Jeff. So today he brought Jeff and the two girls by the house to show me that Jeff had found his way home!

These dogs are very sweet and docile. But I can't imagine the bill to feed them! Makes my three doggies look like chihuahuas! Jeff, glad you found your way home!


Immeasurably More Mama said...

Way to go, Jeff! The way your neighbor "calls" his dogs is too funny and it sounds a little rednecky (is that a word?)! (:

Megan said...

Cute doggies!

Melissa Stover said...

those are beautiful!

Sharmin said...

I love big dogs! I'm afraid if I shot into the air I'd never see CJ, our 3 legged, 68 lb, quivering bundle of shyness again. He hides when it thunders! I can, however, start the 4 wheeler and they both come running.

Leigh Ann said...

Such cute doggies, yet SO BIG! I'm glad Jeff went home. :)

Julie said...

Those dogs are beautiful! I love the way he "calls" his dogs. My granny's dog is just the opposite. She is so frightened when Bryan is carrying a gun.

Morris Family said...

Your neighbor isn't Mr. Riley is it??!!

MiMi said...

What beautiful dogs and what a funny way to call them! So glad Jeff found his way back home safely.

the voice of melody said...

Those dogs are so cute! I'm glad Jeff found his way home. :)

Great picture also of your son and daughter-in-law in the post below. Hope Carrie had a nice birthday. They sure make a beautiful couple.

Many sweet blessings!