Monday, December 8, 2008

This Little Light of Mine.....

I just love candles, don't you? If you knew how many candles I have you would probably be appalled but I could probably keep the whole house lit for days if the electricity went out! I am a good scout......always prepared! I love to light a candle especially when I am working in my kitchen on a dark dreary day. Just makes things much more pleasant!
However, I have been very interested in those little battery-operated lights but have never bought any. But when one of my favorite stores, Kohls, had these on half price I decided today is the day!!
They are suppose to be able to burn 72 hours on one battery....we'll see! I've been working on decorating my house and I think the little lights will add alot to the ambiance of Christmas!

Speaking of light, I love this verse when Jesus says, "I am the light of the world; he who follows ME shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of LIFE." John 8:14


The Garners said...

Those do look pretty! I love candles, too. I always try to remember to light candles when we have company, and sometimes even it it's "just us" around here.

April said...

Hey Judy,

Just thought I'd drop by and say hello! Hope all is well with you and Steve. I know you're happily anticipating the arrival of that sweet granddaughter of yours. It won't be long now!

I love candles, can never have too many of them around!
Enjoy the rest of your evening!

Meredith said...

I love candles too and I love that Bible verse! Candles really do brighten up a room! People think I have too many candles also! HA!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Great verse! I need to get some of those candles. (:

MiMi said...

Great verse!

I have actually been "eyeing" those battery-powered candles, too, because I am sensitive to any candles with fragrance so I thought these would be perfect. I may have to hit the Kohls store and check them out!

Becky said...

OK, I have to confess. Last year a friend gave me a couple of the cutest votives with those little battery tea lights. Well, I had never heard of or seen them before. You guessed it I could not for the life of me get them to light with my bic flicker. Yep, you heard me. I finally gave up took the candle out, looked it over and said, "hum", whats this little button for (I push it). Presto, there was light! That would be me, the girl with the blond hair! Anywhooty, I do love candles and lamps they add so much to a room.

Love the verse too!

Jenna said...

Oh my, they are so pretty!!! A perfect touch!

Jacquie said...

I HAVE seen your candle collection - unless you had more "stashes" that I didn't see! Ha!

I NEVER buy tealights because they don't last near long enough for me. Those battery op ones might be a good deal - unless you're Becky!!

Jennifer said...

How neat! I love candles, too! I buy one and have it burned down within a week or two!

Vashti said...

I found your blog through Kelly's.
I love these tealights, what a great idea! I go through regular tealights like they are going out of fashion!!
I bet you are so excited about the little one!

Kristin said...

How pretty!

Leigh Ann said...

I, too, love candles! LOVE them! Derek loves them, too. When he was in Iraq and I would ask him what he would like for me to send him, he ALWAYS asked for a candle. He said it reminded him of home. :) You'll have to let us know how those little battery operated candles work. They sure are cute!