Monday, February 25, 2008

Getting Ready for Spring!

Today has been another gray day in the Ozarks! I'm so tired of rain and clouds and cold weather! Do I hear an "AMEN" anywhere?

Tonight hubby just had to get out and go to Lowe's. Never mind that he is still not feeling well after a week of the flu. Just had to go to Lowe's for a few things! Make him feel better!

Well, I had not been there since before Christmas and now they have all the spring things out!
My favorite thing is the garden shop and all the new plants and patio furniture, etc. So I had to make a few purchases of my own! I have not planted a rose bush since we moved to our new house three years ago and have always wanted one. So I got a bush and will see how it will do before I invest in more! Nothing smells better than a fresh rose from your garden! I also got some zinnia seeds because I love to grow flowers from seeds. I get real excited when I see them come up! (Doesn't take much to entertain me)

I am very excited because after looking for a couple of weeks, we picked out a little boy to "adopt" from Compassion International. His name is Estiven and he is five years old and is from Nicaragua. The reason it took me awhile to find him is that I was looking for someone in the city that we will be going to in September when we go to Nicaragua so perhaps we can visit him!

When we consider we spend more money on deer feed than it takes to sponsor a child, we could not doing anything but take that step. We will be receiving a packet soon on all Estiven's information and will be able to write to him. I can't wait! Our daughter and son-in-law are sponsoring a little boy from Nicaragua also. They got their packet today. See Kelly's Korner for the picture of sweet little Richard!

I pray that you who read this may consider helping a child too. The cost is $32 a month.....think of all the little things you treat yourself to (Coffee, Sonic drinks, candy, magazines, pedicures, whatever your little luxury is) and it adds up to much more. A life of a child in these countries can be totally changed with your help! Thirty two dollars is half most of the family's entire
MONTHLY income! Dwell on that! God has blessed us with so much and we need to reach out to children who need so much help. Trust me, I have seen children who are thrilled with a new toothbrush! They are so grateful! Please pray about it and let the Lord lead you.


Amy said...

What a wonderful reminder that spring is really on the way and that sponsoring a child is a wonderful thing!

Kelly said...

I'm glad you got a little boy too!!! What a great way to spend $32!

Can't wait to see the roses - they will remind me of Mam-Ma!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking today that I need to start my herb garden. This will be my first time ever to do anything with seeds. Can you share some tips?

Heather said...

I watched an episode on Oprah last fall(I think) about little boys from a village in Africa who are slaves to fishermen as early as 3. For a small fee, you can donate enough to free one child, two, etc...I think about them on a weekly basis. It makes me so sad to think about children all over the world who live in such "poor" conditions. Your post has inspired me to finally do it.
We love spring to..just purchased a couple hydrangea bushes, tulip, and hyacinth bulbs at Lowe's over the weekend. Can't wait to get my hands in the dirt.

Leigh Ann said...

I give an "Amen" on this cold weather. I'm so ready for Spring. I can't wait to hear more about Estiven. This has been waying heavy on my heart since I read Kelly talk about Richard. I'm going to pray about it. Thanks for the encouragement. It's amazing that $32 can make such a difference, but it REALLY can. How lucky Estiven is to have you and Mr. Steve. That would be awesome if you get to meet him someday!

Guy and Julie said...

I'm so glad you decided to adopt a little child--what a good idea to find one that you might actually get to meet!

You'll have to post an entry on how to actually germinate a seed and then on how to keep a plant alive. Some of us need all the help we can get!

kari and kijsa said...

Wonderful true and so needed...just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all of the sweet birthday truly made my day!

smiles, kari (& kijsa)

Guy and Julie said...

I just wanted to let you know that I need your email address to put you on the list-you can email it to me at if you want so you don't to have leave it in the comments.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE zinnias! I had a whole bed full of them at my old house - I am going to have to plant new ones since we just moved! I love having flowers in my backyard - nothing makes me smile like fresh flowers :)