Tuesday, February 26, 2008

There is Sunshine in my Soul Today!

This morning was cold, gloomy and the wind was howling. I spent most of the morning doing laundry and ironing 35 of hubby's shirts(well, maybe it was only 10 but it seemed like 35!!) I took the three dogs for a walk and two of them took off chasing after the deer. So I had to go get the four-wheeler out and hunt down the two of them after taking the third one (the obedient one) back to his warm room and giving him a treat for being such a good boy!
Boy, was the wind cutting right through me on that four-wheeler! Brrrrrr!

But this afternoon, this strange yellowish light came through the house.....my goodness, I think it was the SUN!! Well, I got thinking about how March will be here Saturday and I needed to do some spring decorations before Easter comes and goes. It's early this year. Last year, the coldest day of the year was Easter Sunday and we had a huge freeze. I pray that doesn't happen this year. I love to see the little kids at church in their sweet little Easter outfits and that usually isn't meant to be sweaters and boots!

I remember when I was a little girl and my mother always made our Easter dresses. She dressed my sister and I just alike and we looked like twins for many of our very young years.
Back in the 50's little girls always wore hats and carried matching purses and ALWAYS wore gloves! We wore little Mary Jane shoes with socks of course! If Easter was going to be early, our Mother made us little spring coats which were called "dusters". Does anyone over the age of 50 remember those?? You know I don't think we ever wore a hat except on Easter Sunday. Older women did, but kids didn't. What a waste of money! But we were cute and have some cute pictures, albeit black and white photos!

Here are some pictures of what I did today. I drug out all my old stuff. The only thing new are my little egg cups. I got those at the Cracker Barrel the last time we ate there...aren't they cute?
I think you could write someone's name on the plastic egg and use them as placecards at your Easter dinner! Can you think of anything else I could do with them? I bought 6 and they were only .99 cents each! I still have a few more decorations to do but I wore myself out with the little I did today. There's always tomorrow........if the sun shines again!


Amy said...

How great everything looks! I'm like you, I hope it is nice on Easter to see the sweet little ones in their Easter best!

Melissa Stover said...

i've been thinking about doing some easter decorating. you'd be so jealous about my yard. the plum trees are blooming and there are jonquils everywhere. what a difference a few hours drive in arkansas makes.

Leigh Ann said...

Your decorations are so cute. My mom did the same with us on Easter. She often made dresses for my sisters and me and we always wore gloves and mary janes and often a hat! I guess it's that Southern Bell in us! :)

Guy and Julie said...

Love the egg cups. Very cute. I'm laughing at the image of you hauling off on the 4-wheeler chasing the dogs who were chasing a deer! Too funny!

Laurie said...

I need to be ironing. I just hate it! Yes, 10 shirts seem like 35! Love the cute Easter decorations.

Anonymous said...

My Mom made our easter dresses too! Your home is always so beautiful!

The Garners said...

Tulips are one of my very favorite flowers! Your spring decorations look so pretty!