Hubby did something this evening that he has not done since he was 25 years old! Can you guess if I give you some clues?
First, he looked over all the little "parts" that he will need........
He had to go up and down the stairs several times to get the pieces of the puzzle......
Reading those instructions one more time........
Yes, I think he remembers how this goes.......
TA DA!!!!!! He said if he builds it, she will come!!!! We are officially ready for Harper's next visit!!
I replaced the picture that I had hanging up in this spot in one of our guest bedrooms with this little cross-stitch.
And guess what??? The saying is still true today!
So, Harper, we are ready for you to visit and try out your new bed!! Can we expect you soon?
We'll leave the porch light on!
That bed looks SO great! I loved the one you picked!!!
I bet maybe I can talk Harper into going to visit her Nonnie and Poppa!
That's perfect!
Josh's parents have a crib at their house so when we go to Benton,it is very easy for Brody to sleep. You have no idea how much Harper and Kelly will both appreciate that you have that! :)
You are a gret Nonnie!
LOVE IT! It looks beautiful!
Precious...and priceless post for Harper to read when she gets older!! Grandparents...nothing beats them! :)
that is so sweet. no old, uncomfortable pack and play for her right!
Nonnie and Poppa know how to lure the sweet baby.
I love her little bed! It is precious. I bet she will come to see you very soon!
If you build it, she will come. :)
I hope you like the black bean and cheese quesadillas too. let me know how they turn out. :)
You guys are addicted! You are JUST LIKE my parents with their grandchildren (my sister's kids). It is such a great thing to watch as see your own parents love your (or in my case, my sister's) children so much.
Oh, that is the sweetest post to a grandaughter that I have read lately,
Little Miss Harper is a cutie and I have a hard time picking out a favorite picture but yesterday at the pumpkin patch will be hard to beat!!
My in-laws have a crib in MS. But somehow, Wells seems to weasel his way into Nana's bed before the night is over . . .
It IS a reward for growing old. It is truly the joy of my life....and I can tell it is the joy of your life as well. Enjoy your time with her. Love the bed!
Aww...that bed is calling Harper's name! She is so very lucky to have both you and Steve as her grandparents.
What a pretty bed!! Herper will love it, I'm sure. Love the cross-stitch saying!
have a blessed day!
This has to be the cutest post ever!!! What a lucky little girl Harper is. Great job Nonnie and Poppa!!
Awe! That is so sweet...I'm sure she will love it there :)
I LOVE the cross-stitch!! You have so many things that are priceless in my book.
That is so cute! I love that crib! I want to get one similar for our baby's room. I remember my mom did a cross-stitch for me & Becky when we were little. (we shared a room) It was the little prayer you say at night:
"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, Angels guard me through the night, Wake me with the morning light"
I loved that thing, but it was pink. I guess since me & Becky are having boys, it won't go very well in their room, ha!
<3 Bon
Great job!
Hooray! My parents can only wish we were close enough to make it worth buying a crib!
I knew just what that was....hehe. I bet Harper is just going to love coming over to Nonnies and Poppas house. How sweet~
Judy, Thank you so much for hopping over and dropping me a note! I agree...we do have a lot in common. And how cool is it that we both share an unexpected friend??? Martha Lynn and I go way back. She was my 9th grade English teacher! But, we have been friends forever...even before she became my teacher. We were lifeguards at the city pool for a couple of summers together. Yes...she is super talented and such a lovely person! I love her to pieces.
You can imagine my surprise when she emailed me about how she knew you after seeing the Selah/Avalon pictures on my blog. What a cool God to allow us to meet in such an unusual way! I look forward to visiting you on here from time to time! And I think it would be great fun to all meet in person sometime!
You have a beautiful daughter and granddaughter! It was such an honor to be a part of the prayers that brought healing to that precious Harper!
Thank you for remembering Sarah in your prayers!
You made me cry . . .again! How sweet! I know Harper will love her crib at your house and it will make visiting so much easier for everyone! Remember the easier you make it the more they will come. We move from Charlotte to Nashville next week far from my parents in Charlotte - so sad but we will have lots of fun visiting.
GORGEOUS crib, Judy. Harper is sure to love it and it will definitely make it easier for Kelly & Scott to pack up and come visit. I especially love that you have the cross stitch piece you'd made for your parents. What a treasure! At the Beth Moore conference in Memphis a couple of weeks ago, Beth said she was not just "smitten" with her grandchildren, she was totally and completely "slain." That's a really apt description of what it's like, isn't it! Nothing like 'em. Hope you and Steve have a bunch more before all is said and done!
I know that you cannot wait to have baby Harper in that bed! I thought my mom was crazy when she got my old crib out for Chloe, but it is wonderful!
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