Today was a great day in my books! We had some things to take care of and also just happen to drop by and see the grandbaby! Yes, that really was at the top of the "to do" list!
I did have some wedding shopping to do for a special young couple who are getting married new month but I also bought an item that has not been in our home in many, many years. I will post about it when I get it all together........soon!

Harper got to play with her new toys donated by a sweet little girl who we love very much!
Abbi, Harper was delighted with all the things you sent her!
It is so much fun to take Harper out to eat! She eats everything in sight and loves to look at all the people that pass by her table. I can't tell you how many people stop and say something to her because she is following them with her eyes and sometimes contorts her body around just to see what everyone is doing! Funny little girl!
Giving her Mama that "I adore you" look!
On our drive home this afternoon we briefly rode through a little area that I had always wanted to ride through just off the highway. It was the most beautiful countryside!!
There is this old, old building there that contains a pottery store. Unfortunately, it was closed this afternoon but I hope to go back someday soon and go through the store.

The building itself was interesting because it is old. I loved the little cat sitting on the porch next to the old copper-looking bathtub!
Today was a beautiful sunny day and we took advantage of that to spread a little sunshine around of our own!!
Hope you all had a great Monday too!
she is just the cutest thing.
is it looking like fall up there yet?
Seriously, how can you not have a good day when seeing Miss Harper???? :) :)
It took me about a second to figure out what you bought. Enjoyed your post and pics.
Harper is just a doll baby! Her smile lights up a room. I know you all had fun visiting her. It looks like she loved the toys.
Harper is getting so big! She's cute--I love her little dress! I know y'all had a wonderful day!
That little Harper is such a darling! She gets cuter everyday! I know you and Steve are having the time of your life with her. Once again.....there's nothing like grands!!!
Looks like Harper got some fun toys. She is a little sweetheart! That old store looks really neat.
Definitely a great day!
I stopped at that store once because I always told Scott I thought we needed to stop at the "Stamps" store and he always made fun of me! ha!
You guys went to Panera!!! :) Did you see the butternut squash and apple soup there? I never have seen it on their menu, only at BJs. :)
David and I stopped at the Stamps Store on the way home of NWA once. It was interesting. I love old buildings though, so that was enough of a thrill for me.
I am sure that your trip was worthwhile just to see Harper! She is a doll baby!
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