This past week was collection week at our church for Operation Christmas Child. Our church serves as a Relay Center for our community. One of our Ladies' Sunday Bible Study classes has collected items since this time last year! We try to get young and old involved in such a worthy endeavor for ministering to children all over the world with a simple gift and to hear the Gospel presented in their native language.
I have been in many foreign countries in the past few years and for the most part, the children have next-to-nothing. I have seen children gather for hours knowing they were going to get a pencil or a toothbrush. How many of even the poorest children in our country would do that?
It would be my dream to one day be there when they deliver the boxes to children in a small village and see their faces light up!

However, most can not go but that doesn't mean you can't participate by filling a shoebox and fulfilling God's command that we spread His love throughout the world!

We ran out of cartons to pack the individual boxes!

We delivered 435 boxes this year! I love this ministry and I challenge you to get your family involved in filling a shoebox next year if you didn't this year! What a great way for parents to teach your child to share. Let them pick a child their own age to buy for and let them save a little money all year or buy a few things all year to fill a shoebox next November.
I promise you will be blessed! You and your house!
Joshua 24:15 "........As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Update: The Area Coordinator just called me to let me know our area gathered 6400 boxes!!
Thank you to all who gave!
My family did this and it was very good to give 2 kids some wonderful toys
hope we do it every year
Operation Christmas Child is one of my favorite things to take part in each Christmas season!! It brings such JOY knowing that these precious children, who have so little, get a box filled with goodies! :) I just LOVE it!
What a neat post, Judy! :) You have such an incredible and generous heart.
I delivered mine to our church on Sunday--two boxes for two girls. I love shopping for these Christmas Children and praying for them. Our church was the collection center for many years too.
Hi, we are IMB missionaries and we get to actually witness kids receiving those boxes. Different villages distribute them in different ways but in the area where our church is located (we attend a local church with a national pastor and leadership) they distribute them directly from the church. They don't tell the children the day they will pass them out so they are surprised. They were all so excited this year, one little boy in particular was so thrilled to get a Spider Man action figure.
We are personal friends with the Samaritan's Purse representatives here in our country and they are wonderful, godly men and women. I didn't realize until recently that shoeboxes were only part of their ministry.
I really enjoy your blog. I can't believe you have so many deer visitors in your yard!
Happy Thanksgiving!
l love Operation Christmas Child! Our College Sunday School class is going to Atlanta this weekend to work at the BIG warehouse and help package them up for shipping. This will be our 3rd year. It's also a great way to get involved! Hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!
ps. I found your blog through Kelly's. I'm a faithful reader! :)
This was my families first year to do a shoe box and it was so much fun. My 18 year old son really got into much so we ran out of room in the box.
I have always loved this organization and so amazed by how many kids are blessed by this each year and for some this maybe the only Christmas they receive!!!
I am the coordinator for Operation Christmas Child at my church and it is one of the best things I have ever been a part of in my whole life!
Last year we collected just a little over 1000 boxes and so we set our goal this year at 1200. I am so sad that we did not reach our goal this year. We only collected 864 boxes. Our church had several other ministry activities going on at the same time and I think that hindered us reaching our goal.
We are geared up and ready to start gathering items and promoting for next November.
I am a church secretary at a small church and their goal was 250 and they collected 315 boxes!! I was so excited for them.
Enjoy reading your blog.
Our Church is doing this as well. What an awesome way to give~ Happy Thanksgiving Mrs. Judy. I am so sorry about Kramer~
Our church ladies filled 51 boxes this year.
I'm sure this project will grow in the years to come.
It's a great ministry. I can just see the faces of these little children when they open their boxes!
We were in a Ukrainian orphanage when some were delivered and the children were just precious- lined up, craning their necks to make sure there would still be a box for them. My kids love making up boxes, and my hubby would love to fly for them one day! :)
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