It was a sad day at our house today. Kramer, our spunky little Westie who we have had for 13 years had to be put to sleep today. He had an enlarged heart, was nearly blind and was on much medicine. He took a turn for the worse yesterday and spent the night at the vet's.
This morning she called and said he was no better and probably would be the best thing to let him go. It broke our hearts. I was with him when he passed and told him how much we loved him. He brought us a lot of joy and he had a very good life!
Kramer's brother Buddy is really going to miss him! As we all will!

Have you ever lost a beloved pet? It's tough no matter how long you have had them!
I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our cocker spaniel when I was a senior in college...never easy. Thinking of you all!
Hoping that you enjoy our Thanksgiving tomorrow with your family. I bet Harper will put a big smile on all your faces. :)
I am so very sorry for your loss. It is so hard to let a pet go.
I'm so sorry. May the Holy Spirit fill every empty place in your heart and in your home.
My heart goes out to you for the loss of your precious, Kramer. I recently had to put down my 11 yr old Beagle, Bagel in August and it leaves such a hole in your heart.
I hope you find peace in knowing that he's a furry angel watching over you....
I am so sorry for your loss
My grandparents had to do that with one of their dogs this year
my prayers are with you all
I'm so sorry :(. We've had to put down two cats and a dog and it's so hard :(. I hope you all have a beautiful day tomorrow with your family.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Kramer is now running with Jesus. As a proud owner of a westie I know how special they are. May you all be comforted by all of your precious memories. I'm sure spending time with Miss Harper will ease some fo your pain.
Praying for you
Oh Judy, I am so sorry to hear about your baby. It's sooooo hard having to let a pet go. We've had to have two of our sweet cats put to sleep. One, we had had for over 14 years. Pets are so much a part of your family. Poor Buddy, he is the one that won't understand.
I am so sorry for the loss of your furkid. He will be waiting on the other side of Rainbow Bridge for you, I am certain of that.
We had to say goodbye to our first beagle because of colon cancer. It was heartbreaking, he was our first child and was our only child for 5 years. I still miss him.
They are with us for such a short time, but we will be reunited. Many prayers for comfort...
That was the hardest thing I ever did was letting my sweet Hampton go in March. I still have his doggie bed under the side table in the living room, that will forever and always be his spot.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you adjust to this change in your family.
I am sooo sorry for you loss. I know how much that hurts. I work at a vet's office and it's never easy to have to say goodbye. But I know you are at peace knowing that he is out of pain and healed now. Praying for you all.
I am so sorry for your loss. It is not easy to do something like this but I am glad you were with him today. Our pets are here for a short time but they are with us always and forever in our hearts.
I am so sorry! We had dogs as pets when I was growing up. One in particular was the best ever. I was playing in my front yard and he got hit by a car right in front of me. What hurt worse was the car didn't stop. I was 9 years old. This dog followed me around no matter where I was going. If I got on my swing set, he would sit under the swing in case I fell. I feel for Buddy.
We had to put our sweet Shelley down on the 6th of this month - she was fourteen and in kidney failure.
I am so sorry about your loss.
"You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us."
Robert Louis Stevenson
I'm so sorry. We have 2 bichons and one of them is 17 yo. She's my first dog and we adopted her when she was 11. I've never lost a dog before but can't even imagine the pain I'll feel when she goes. My heart goes out to you and your husband as you deal with the passing of Kramer. I'll be praying for you.
I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost our cat of ten years this summer. I take peace in knowing that he is no longer in pain and waiting for us in heaven.
I'm so sorry!! I have personally never lost an animal, but my brothers family had a Shihtzu Ginger since my niece was 5 and she's now 14 and Ginger passed away this year. It was hard on the whole family, she was a part of everyone!
Soooo sorry! I know Harper will give lots of JOY over the holiday's!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my beloved Maggie over a year ago, and I still think of her daily. While we love our two-legged children, our four-legged ones, in some ways, become more loved because we are with them daily.
You will have your beautiful family and granddaughter to fawn over this Thanksgiving, but I know the loss will still be there.
I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. If you've never heard/read "The Rainbow Bridge" please read it. It'll make you cry, but it's also very heart-warming :) Makes you happy to know that someday you'll be with your four-legged kids again.
I am so sorry. Last month I had to take our beagle to be put to sleep, he was 14. I had gotten him the year before I met my husband so he had been very special to me for a long time. He was about 80% blind and 90% deaf according to our vet but for about 18 months I couldn't let him go. I gave him 4 pills a day for over a year trying to rejuvenate him. It was his time and sitting here I am heartbroken again. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope a visit from sweet Harper will help in your sadness.
Judy, I am so so sorry to hear this!! Pets truly do become like family, so I can only imagine!!!
The love and friendship of a pet is like no other! Praying for ya'll. Love you!!
i'm so sorry. i've lost several dear dogs many different ways and it's always hard. they become a part of your family.
I am so sad for you and your family and honestly when I read about this today on Kellys blog today I cried! I lost my little Yorkie two years ago and its was awful! Again I am so sorry for you guys :(
Awwww. I'm sorry. Westies have to be the sweetest little breed. He did his purpose: brought you happiness for as long as he could. As a dog lover my heart goes out to you. Have a wonderful thanksgiving.
About two months ago I lost Sophie. Almost 20 years ago, I was sitting outside grieving another cat that we had to put to sleep and Sophie came out of nowhere onto my lap. She always knew when I was sad. My thoughts are with you.
So sorry to hear this, we just went through this with my Mom's beagle in July so hard, they truly are members of the family.
Since I've been married, we've had two dogs we had to put to sleep both lived 14 years. Also, one cat he was also about 14 years. After we had to put our last dog to sleep I said that was it. I couldn't go through that again. It's just such a hard decision. We had to take my mom's dog in when she went to a nursing home so once again I will be faced with that decision.
I'm so sorry on the loss of your Kramer. My prayers are with you.
I am so sorry. I had to put my cat to sleep a couple of years ago and it was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make. But you know if they are suffering it is a little easier. I know there have to be pets in heaven. I know that sweet Harper will make things a little easier. Happy Thanksgiving!
You know how sad I am for y'all! I know how much Kramer was loved.
I Read Kelly's blog frequently and I just want to tell you that I'm very sorry for your loss, we have a 3 year old weatie also, Lucas, and he looks a lot like Kramer.
Dogs give us so much happiness and unconditional love.
Judy, I am so sorry. It is so hard to lose a sweet pet. We had to put our Jack Russell Terrier to sleep a few years ago and it was extremely sad. I hope Harper will bring you some joy and happiness today when she is visiting! :)
Awe, I am so incredibly sorry for your family's loss.
My prayers are with yall. I hope yall are having a great Thanksgiving with your sweet ones at home. Kelly said you made some yummy brussel sprouts....yum!
I'm so sorry! What a blessed life he had being your pet...You all seem like the most caring family!
I'm so sorry for your loss of your Westie. I have 2 Westies, Max and Sadie. Max is 6 yo and Sadie is 4 yo. Westies are just wonderful pets and mine are my 'fur babies'.
God Bless!
Mommy of 2 boys in MA and 2 Westies
I am sorry for the loss of your pet. Just this morning I had my dog on my lap and was thinking about how much I love him! Pets are a blessing that much I know. :)
I'm sorry for your loss. I know that is a dificult time. No matter how much you prepare yourself as they get older, it is difficult. My thought are with you....
So sorry to hear about your beloved Kramer. Been there, done that and it is heartwrenching. We've had to put down three Golden Retrievers over the years, with Einstein being the hardest...had him 15 yrs. My heart aches with you and for you! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Hoping you had a good Thanksgiving with your family and that precious little Harper!
I'm so sorry for your loss.
We had to have our little dog of almost 16 years put to sleep two years ago. Molly was such a vital part of our family. She pulled through a couple of serious illnesses, but she was just getting old and her kidneys were failing. She wouldn't eat or drink.
I didn't think I could take her to be put to sleep. I kept myself composed (until I got to the car) the day the vet looked at me and told me she wouldn't live much longer.
My sweet sister took her for us. She assured us that she held her in her little blanket the whole time and that she passed peacefully.
My sister came to our house afterwards and put away Molly's food dish and bowl because she knew that would be hard for us when we got home from work.
I still miss that precious little dog.
We did get a new little grand-dog the other day and she reminds all of us of Molly! (you can see little Tanner on my latest blog post) :)
I feel your sadness today!
God bless your sweet family!
Valerie in Oklahoma
I am so sorry for your loss. I know that pain and it breaks your heart. My dogs are my babies. I had a Jack Russell Terrier named Topper, I had him for 14 years. He was so much fun and I had to put him down 3 years ago. I still miss him.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know that pain and it breaks your heart. My dogs are my babies. I had a Jack Russell Terrier named Topper, I had him for 14 years. He was so much fun and I had to put him down 3 years ago. I still miss him.
Oh I'm so very sorry! As a kid...we had dachsunds and 2 had cancer and one was run over by the mailman! Can you imagine? As an adult, we have 2 schnauzers and I can't ever imagine having to put them to sleep!
We all just love your family and am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry! :( I know you will miss him.
So sorry for your loss. I know what a void the loss of a "family member" leaves. I had a Schnauzer that was 13 yrs. old when he had to be put down. Thinking of you all!
I'm so sorry, Aunt Judy. Hugs for you and Tio Steve from all of us. I know how hard it can be to lose a sweet pet.
Oh Judy, I am deeply sorry to hear of your loss of your dear Kramer. Yes, it is so difficult to lose a beloved pet, as they are members of the household and all the conditional love they bestow on us is unlimited! We lost our 11 year old Chihuahua, Ginger, this past May. Her best friend (our Rat Terrier) really misses her. She had a heart murmur and we think she had a heart attack - it was fast! May God bring you comfort and peace.
You are in my prayers!
I am so sad to hear this! Bless your heart. I know how it feels.
We had to put our puppy to sleep when I was a child...she had health issues all along, being the runt of the litter, and then she got injured. My parents paid for a major surgery for her, we had to carry her outside to go to the bathroom and spoon feed her...we did all of it in hopes that she would get better, but she just didn't.
My dad took her to the vet after we all said goodbye, and it's one of only 2 times I've ever seen him cry...I still remember how much we missed her and how hard it was, and that was about 15 years ago.
Have thought of you guys a lot and was so glad your house was filled with family, love and laughter right on the heels of losing Kramer. It's really hard to lose a dearly loved pet.
Haved loved all the Thanksgiving pics from your house on Kelly's blog. Kudos to you for snapping the picture of your whole family "communicating" on iphones - not sure sometimes if all this technology helps or hurts REAL communication. Know you're going to love seeing Harper on Skype though!
I am so sorry for your loss. We've lost three dogs that were so dear to us. Buffy, a golden retriever we had for 13 years and in 2005 we lost our black lab, Skeet and our yellow lab, Ladye in the fire that took our home:(
We still miss all of them, but have adopted one of our grand-dogs, Maddie, who was one of Skeet's puppies!
Hope time will help you all heal.
Blessings and peace of mind,
Matthew 21:22
I am sorry for your loss of your beloved Kramer. We have had a few pets (dogs) pass, it is always so sad. They become a large part of your family and you always love them just like your children.
We have a Scottie and an English Mastiff and they are so loved!
Bless you and your family.
My heart goes out to you. Our pets are such family members! Best wishes...I'm sure K is having the time of his "life" up above! :)
I lost my dog 3 years ago in October and you never really get over it, as they stay with you forever and go with you where ever you go in funny little ways. My thoughts are with you
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