Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Snow Day Again!

We woke up this morning to 24 degree weather and a light snow had fallen during the night!
This afternoon the temperature has climbed to 45 degrees and the weatherman says we will be having another round of freezing weather (ice) Friday and Saturday!

My first inclination is to go to the store and buy stuff to make a big pot of chili. However, on the news yesterday they reported hamburger meat being recalled. What's a person to do because everybody knows, when it gets cold and snows, you make chili!!

I woke up this morning needing a haircut. You know how it is, one day your hair is fine and the next day, it is way tooooo long! One of the great things about living in a small town is that I called this morning and my beauty operator said come on in! So within 40 minutes I was sitting in her chair!

Tomorrow I am taking a friend of mine from church to her eye doctor's appointment in a nearby town. She is getting her eyes dilated and was afraid to drive home. I am so looking forward to
taking her because she is a delightful person. She and her husband moved to our town from Boston. Yes, Boston, Mass. Talk about culture shock!! They built a log cabin in the woods. Well, her husband died and she was left. She didn't even know how to drive. They had no children. She is Jewish and a Christian by faith and loves the Lord and is the most remarkable woman to be with. I love her muchly and love to hear her Boston accent! So we will go to the eye doctor and I will take her to lunch and we'll have a great time together!

This is a week full of ups and downs. Let me thank all of you who read my daughter's blog.(Kelly's Korner) Thank you for all the sweet encouraging comments you have sent her way this week. I can't imagine the letdown she feels each month but I know it must be terribly frustrating and heartbreaking over and over again. So many of you have posted that you have been through the same trial and my heart goes out to you.

What is so encouraging , in this trial of Kelly and Scott's wanting to have a family,is that even though they get discouraged at times, they know that the Lord loves them so much that He knows them by name....Isaiah 43:1 says"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by YOUR name; You are mine." And Isaiah 49:16 tells us that He has engraved you on the palm of His hands. So, if the Lord knows you, Scott and Kelly, by name and has engraved you on the palm of his nail-scarred hand, He will certainly NEVER forget you and your quest to have a family. So we can rest in His word! His timing is always perfect! And we plan to be there with you waiting and praying !


Heather said...

Hi Mrs. Judy..I feel like I should call you that since Jamie does. She speaks so highly of your family!! The snow pics are beautiful. I didn't know about the beef recall..need to read up on that before my next trip to the store.

Heather said...

Me again..forgot to put that your sweet daughter is in my thoughts and prayers everyday!!

The Garners said...

I wish we could get a snow day--R would love it! (I would too!)

Melissa Stover said...

i don't even know kelly or you but whenever she comes to mind i just pray for her. i know how much she longs for children and i pray that god will bless her. she does have so much faith. you did a great job with that girl. i hope i raise my girls to be as strong and faithful as she is.

Leigh Ann said...

You are so lucky to see snow!

Candy said...

Thanks so much for leaving me a comment. I have visited your blog before and I just love it! I love reading your daughter's blog too! That is really neat that you still have letters from your pen pal from so long ago. I still have the letters from the one that I grew the closest to. We always said we would meet, but we never did. I live in LA and she lived in NY.

Leigh Ann said...

Mrs. Judy, check my blog. I tagged you again...if you have time.