Monday, March 3, 2008

Rainy Days and Mondays

It started raining this morning around 1:30a.m. and it has rained all day...ALL day! Needless to say, everything is flooded in our yard! Tonight they are calling for a winter SNOW storm and they are saying we might get a lot of snow...5 inches or more! Will spring ever come?

I have been home all day and had some time on my my thoughts turn to making something that I normally would not make. A friend of mine gave me a fresh pineapple from Hawaii that her son brought home from his recent trip. I love pineapple-upside-cake so I thought I had never made one with FRESH pineapple and wouldn't that taste good right. out .of. the. oven .on a cold rainy day??? The answer: YES, ma'am, it does!!
I'm trying to find a spot for my new little lamb so I put him on a bed of moss in a jar and set him in the middle of the table .......I still don't think I'm done .....may have to add something more.

Today's mail brought the new Paula Deen magazine and it was full of spring food and spring tables. I love decorating tables and I love the use of the tulips in slim vases on the top pictures for an outdoor table. The bottom pictures just had so many delightful things of color to look at!
Makes me think spring is just around the corner (if I don't look outside and listen to tonight's snow weather report)!


Scott said...

That's a cake you always made a lot growing up.....but never with fresh pineapple from HAWAII!!!
The little lamb under the dish on the table looks so cute!

Kelly said...

Oops......I'm on Scott's computer and was signed on under him.

The Garners said...

I LOVE pineapple upside down cake! I'll always associate it with coming home from the hospital with Alexee...Mom made it when she was here with us and it tasted SO good. Heather got that Paula D magazine when I was visiting her last week and I commented on how much I liked that table with the tall clear tulip vases--so pretty and simple!

Anonymous said...

We can't get pineapple in a can, so we always make it fresh. Yum. Your lamb in a jar is so sweet. I think putting things in jars is your signature design.

Sharmin said...

I'll pray for Mackenzie, I hope she is better soon.

Seeing all your decorations almost makes me want to decorate for easter. The only problem with having eggs and 2 boys is they often confuse them with baseballs. Easter decorations just lose their charm when a plastic egg goes whizzing by your head! LOL