Tuesday, June 24, 2008

VBS...A Trip to Outrigger Island!

This is Vacation Bible School Week! The theme is a Hawaiian island motif and it is so well done. We are having a great time! Don't you just love VBS? I have great memories of being a little kid and summertime VBS! In fact, just the smell of Kool-A*de reminds me of VBS!
I love the little kids and their red Kool-A*de mustaches!
The songs and music this year are great! Here are our song leaders everyday! I try to sing and do the motions to the songs at the same time but it takes talent (and I have little ) ! The kids catch on really quick!
At recreation time today they were playing a game that involved putting on on the things you wear or take to the beach and then relay it back to your team! It was so funny!
And then there is craft time! I love to watch the creative juices flowing!

All in all, everything we do in VBS leads to knowing Jesus and His Word! That is aim of every study and time spent preparing for this week! May God be glorified in all we do!

Do you work in VBS? Or take your kids? What are your memories of VBS as a child?


Melissa Stover said...

i do it all baby!
well this year anyway. my husband is the director and i, by default, am his big time helper. this year the curriculum writer. we are excited about it. it's in july.

i was saved at vbs as a child. i still believe it's a great time to reach kids for god.

Jenna said...

I LOVED VBS as a kid. Yes, the kool-aid brings back the memories--as well as those little butter cookies that look like flowers. The ones with the holes in the middle. Awww, good times!!

Looks like y'all are having a great week. Loved seeing all the pictures!

Leigh Ann said...

I loved VBS as a child. I loved that the church bus came to pick my sisters and me up and I remember working quite hard on my memory verses. I'm like you, the smell of Kool-Aid is definitely a smell that takes me right back to VBS. The themes and songs and decorations are a lot more fancy these days than when I was a kid. It has come a long way! Evan went to his first VBS two summers ago and had a great time. I was a helper but was very pregnant and HOT! Ha ha! That was the only year I think I was wishing VBS was in the winter.

The Garners said...

I have really fond memories of VBS, too (except I never wanted to be chosen to hold a flag at the front, and I didn't like recreation because I never wanted to have to play any sport!). Ha! There is something about the Kool-Aid though...I told Mom last night that I can still see and hear the way the Kool-Aid machine bubbled there in the old fellowship hall. I hope Rhett and Jaiden can come to FBC for VBS next summer. I tried to get R to go to one here (where he goes to MDO), but he backed out the night before and said he thought he'd just wait until next summer. :) Have a good week--the theme is so neat! I'll be praying for the kids and teachers this week!

Julie said...

I loved VBS as a kid. I think I went to every churches VBS no matter what the denomination! I remember cookies and koolaid/punch and I always hoped there were chocolate chip cookies, rice krispies, or grape koolaid.

We had Outrigger Island at our church but we didn't have surf boards. What a cute decorating idea!!!

Heather said...

I haven't worked VBS since I was in college. Brooks is too little to attend right now, but I plan to when he can go. My favorite memory as a child is all of the fun crafts that were made and snack time. Fruit punch and the cookies with cream in the center were always served and I loved it!!

MiMi said...

I have some wonderful memories of VBS and you are absolutely right about the KoolAid smell! I remember all the neat crafts that we got to make and we were so excited to take them home and show our moms and dads. I also remember all the crafts that my kids made in VBS. The main thing was all the stories that we learned as a child in VBS have stuck with me all my life and have helped to make God's Word more real to me.
I pray a special blessing for you for giving of your time to work in VBS. I know the kids are loving having you !

Morris Family said...

Oh what memories I have of going to your church for VBS as a kid!! I remember Aunt Myrt making sure I was there every day!! Oh, how I wish I was a kid again for the kool-aid and snack times and craft and recreation. We always had soo much fun!!

Rachel said...

Hi! I've read your blog for a while but haven't posted before, but thought I would post some of my favorite VBS memories.

One year I remember that the VBS theme had to do with Hot Air Balloons, and I was mesmerized that they actually brought a hot air balloon to the church parking lot. I remember the snacks - cookies made by the sweet older ladies in the church and of course the kool-aid. I guess the other thing that stands out are the pledges and the songs for each pledge. The pastor always saying "It's one nation under God, so don't take a breath between nation and under" and taking a few years to get those pesky pledges down to the Christian Flag and the Bible. It's funny how those things just come rushing back to you when you teach.

Glad to hear that you had a good week on Outrigger Island!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Judy - Kaelyn told me that she was in the dunking booth yesterday so I hope that you have some good pictures!!

Amy Stalls (Wallace)

LOVE YOU A GOOGLE... said...

I loved VBS as a kid and am loving even now! I loved holding the flags and the opening ceremony every morning. Last year my son held the flag for the first time and I was so proud of him. It is so wonderful to see it all coming full circle! I think our church is doing Outrigger Island this year.. can't wait! Our VBS is next week! Yeah! :)

Amy said...

We just finished this same VBS this past week. I was the director; it was a lot of work, but so worth it b/c 6 kids committed their hearts and lives to Christ. That's what it is all about!

Megan said...

I loved going to VBS every summer as a kid, then working as a teenager. I think I see Chaney in the background!

Laurie said...

I had so much fun working in VBS last Summer. It is so much better than when I was a kid. Although I LOVED it back then. My Mom still has some of the arts and crafts I made.