I'm making a list and checking it twice!! I don't want to leave the house too quickly and forget something that I may need when we get to the hospital or when baby Harper gets home!
1. Cameras and battery recharger. Check!
2. Enough gas to get to the hospital . Check!
3. A few ironed shirts for Hubs to grab as he goes out the door. Check!
4. Clothes for me to grab as I go out the door. (Well, I am planning on staying a few days....you never know what you will need!) Check!
I have been reading your blog and Kelly's blog for several months now and I just wanted to say Congratulations! How exciting that you will be a grandmother soon.
I love this post! You definitely won't forget anything! I know ya'll are just extremely excited about baby Harper entering the world! How very sweet and how special! Enjoy every moment with your family!
Yay!! Can't wait for the day when you can mark "become a grandmama" off the list!!!
It looks like you have all of your lists done!! I just know it will be any day!!
I am soooo excited for you and Steve I can hardly stand it. I picked up a trip today and am in El Paso tonight....as soon as I got to my room I got on my computer to see if Kelly had had harper yet!
Girl, how are the blog girls going to find out when Harper gets here if you all are at the hospitla? Geez, I'm a nervous wreck! LOL!!! No seriously I am so excited for you as a grandparent because I know the excitement you are getting ready to feel in your heart. There's NO better feeling!
Let us know!!!
I am so excited for you and Steve as you await the arrival of Miss Harper.
Looks like you have thought of everything. (Make sure you have a USB cable to upload some pictures to your blog for all of us who are on pins and needles waiting!)
Can't wait!
Please don't forget those cameras!!! We want to see pictures of sweet Harper ASAP! (:
It's so cute that you got new slippers and housecoat for walking Harper! I'm sure she wouldn't have minded the ratty one! :)
You guys are READY!
If you forget anything, give us a call & we'll go pick it up for you! I can't wait for Miss Harper to make her entrance!
What a cute post! Steve's been beside himself all week long. I'm praying for tomorrow to be the day - in honor of your sweet daddy.
I hope I'm on the list (toward to bottom) of people you'll be calling!!
That would be: "toward THE bottom".
I'm so excited just reading this. And it reminded me of the sweet time I had when Connor was born and my mom stayed with us. Those were some of the best days of my life...and I could NOT have done it without her. You will be such a blessing to Scott, Kelly, and of course Harper!!!
Hi! I'm here via your sweet baby girl and granddaughter! :) I think this may be the first time I've commented here...but I had to tell you that when I had my first baby girl, my parent's had the camera by the door and everything all ready to go. What they didn't plan on was our phone call at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday. My dad is also a pastor so he was up and studying when my husband called to say.. "we are at the hospital.' My mother jumped out of bed, put on her "undergarments" and then got in the shower...they were both so excited and nervous. Dad dropped mom at the hopsital stayed until he had to leave to preach and then rearranged the order of worship...preached after one song and then left! His precious church thought it was the neatest thing ever and prayed me through that day. :)
I say all that to say...so many people are praying for you all and can not wait to rejoice with you!
Very cute post! Looks like you're all ready for baby.
I am here via Kelly's blog and I have been reading your blog for a few months now and this is the first time I have commented. I am so excited for you all and we are praying for all of you! Harper will be here soon!
I came here via Kelly's blog and it's grand to read of a grandmother's perspective. We are part of that great club of grandparents and truly love it! I've added you to my list of favs, so I'll see you back here on a daily basis!!
This is cute! I think you are ready! See you soon!
I finally packed my bag tonight and Scott got all of our camera stuff packed up.
Maybe it will be tomorrow.............
I am itching for you to get the call! Make sure we're on somebody's list!! Jamie said the other day she bets that there are 500 people to call! (Or more!) Maybe get an extra memory card for your camera...I have a tendancy to fill mine up too quickly and I never like to delete my favorites even after I've saved them on my computer and backed them up because I like to keep it in my purse and look through all of the pictures when I'm waiting places! :) I've gpt a feeling you are going ot be taking lots and lots of photos!!!!!
Hey Kelly's mom!!!
I just want you to know how excited I am for all of you! I'm a mom to 3 beautiful boys...12,11, and 8. You know the complete joy that children bring to our lives. I can't imagine the excitement of becoming a grandmother to a grandaughter from your daughter!!!
I've got Kelly in my prayers. She is just so precious to so many complete strangers. Ha!!
Thanks for allowing us into this precious time. May God be glorified through everything and I thank Him tonight for the amazing gift of life!
Hugs and blessings,
Are you able to sleep or wide awake just waiting for "the call"?! It's 12:15 and I just thought I'd check in one more time before bed to make sure there was no Harper news. Maybe tomorrow!
I know you must be beyond excitement. I check her blog several times a day hoping to see some news. I prayed for her to get pregnant so I have enjoyed her sharing the journey with us. The grandma shower in your last post was so sweet and thoughtful of your class.
I came to your blog (and your husband's) from Kelly's blog.
Please drive safe on the way to meet Miss Harper. God bless you all!
I love it that you have your things laid out and ready to go. I read Kelly's blog daily. My daughter is also expecting our first grandchild - due date Jan. 18 - don't know the sex. I had thought about getting things out and ready but thought people might think I was silly. Now you have given me permission - thanks! Only thing is we aren't close enough to drive - it's a 12 hour drive so we'll be flying. I have to be careful about having too much to pack! Can't wait for Harper to arrive. Gay
I love it!!!! You have a bag waiting at the door like a pregnant mommy... the fun stuff of being a grandmother! I love you are ready to walk the floors at night with Harper...get lots of good pictures!
I told Kale today that I'm thinking it might be tomorrow....We'll see!!!! I'm so happy for yall!!!
I read Kelly's blog everyday, she seems so sweet! Anyway, your blog is adorable!!! Congrats on becoming a grandma. Harper is going to be so loved by all of you!! I love how you are all ready to go!
I CANNOT WAIT FOR HARPER! I loved your list. What a lucky baby. I don't know that I have ever seen two people so prepared as you and Kelly. I love your new pink robe and slippers. The pink is so appropriate! :) When I went into labor with EG, Derek was in route home from Iraq, so Derek's dad (they live about 2 minutes from us) had to drive me to the hospital at 3:00 a.m. He was a nervous wreck!!! Ha! I was calm though. I was a little embarressed that my water had broken and I was leaking all over the in-take area with my father-in-law. Just a little uncomfortable. Ha! I don't think you ever know how you are going to react during "THE" moment. It is SO exciting! I hope you are still there when Kandi and I come to visit! :)
You and your husband are going to be the same type of grandparents my parents are.
My dad says all the time, "If I knew grandkids were this great, I would have skipped having kids and gone straight to the grandkids!"
Harper will LOVE you guys SO much! And eventually, like when she is 4, she will want to be at your house more then her own. :)
Ha!!! I loved your check list. You say the funniest things. But I know just where you are coming from. My sweet little Harbor is just the best & we love him so much. The cycle of life is just great, to be a grandparent is the best. I know you guys are on the edge of your seats just waiting for "the call". I will be saying a prayer for you all. Karen Barnes= Jessica M's mommy
Welcome my new blogger friend!!!Thanks for your comments on posting my pictures. Isn't God amazing? I have been following Kelly's blog after being introduced to her through my daughter's blog (Adventures of a Southern Newlywed). Now you leave a comment on my blog!!! I think my other daughter (Sweet,Sassy & Always Classy) reads Kelly's blog too. Small world, isn't it?
I will be so thrilled to read your blog and see what I have to look forward to when I become a grandmother one day. I am praying that things go well for Kelly. I know you can't wait to meet baby Harper!!! Love & blessings!
We are all so anxious and we are not Grandparents!! I can only begin to imagine how you feel!
I read the post of the surprise Grandmas shower and it nearly made me cry! That was so very sweet and kind!
I recently found Kelly's blog and had to come check yours out. I am praying for Harper. You are the best mom/grandma ever! I can't believe how ahead of your time you were with those picture Christmas cards. Kelly and Harper sure are 2 lucky ladies. I have 3 little girls and one day I want to be a grandma just like you. God bless your family-
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