Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Funny Valentine

This was Miss Harper's First Valentine's Day!  We just had to make a quick trip over to see her and give her a BIG kiss for Valentine's Day!  Granddad had finished (finally) her new changing  table and we had to take it over so Kelly could have some drawer space for all her bows and hats!  har

While her Mom and Dad went out for a romantic lunch-for-two , Nonny and Granddad got some first-time baby-sitting experience!  Harper was a perfect baby(of course) and only had two dirty diapers and one bottle and then let Nonny hold her while she had a little nap!
Her Granddad thinks she's special!
We only stayed a couple of hours and we had our "Harper" fix!!  We certainly had the best Valentine's Day we've ever had!

We want to ask you to remember Steve's Mom in your prayers. She had to have two stents put in her heart yesterday.  She is home and doing well!  We hope you are feeling stronger each day Shirley!


Jenna said...

I think Harper's face in Nonny's arms says it all!

Loved reading this and so glad ya'll had GREAT Valentine's!! But really, how could you not hanging out with that little bundle of LOVE?! SO Sweet!!

I hope ya'll have a great rest of your weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a way to spend a "special" day and with such a "special" baby!
Baby Harper not Granddad....well,ok....he is special too. But Harper ranks #1.
Memories for sure.

We'll be praying for Ms. Shirley too! Your Sister in Christ

Becky said...

Oh, you two look too cute holding sweet Harper. She is the prettiest little girl I've seen in a long time.

My mom came over to eat pizza tonight and the first thing she says is "how's Harper doing". So of course I had to show her the latest pictures of Harper.

Grandad did a GREAT job on the changing table!

Jacquie said...

Does the Valentines Day beat your first? (Something about a Razorback basketball game???)

Kelly said...

I love that top picture of Harper.
Well - I love all of the pictures!:-)
Thanks for coming and babysitting! Harper said ya'll did a great job and are welcome back any time. I'm glad she was so good for you! She must love you!

Kelley said...

What great pictures and what a fun day! She is just beautiful. The changing table looks great!

Laurie said...

Oh sooo sweet! I know ya'll had a great time with her!

beckylbranch said...

Oh those are great pictures! I know you are so happy Harper is all well and she is just beautiful!!! Happy Valentines Day!

julie & joe said...

She looks so sweet. The changing table looks great. You can never have too much storage space in a baby/child's room. I'm glad the babysitting was such a success.

Kathy Hardison said...

Hi Judy - I have read Harper's story and prayed earnestly for her. Kelly has reminded me so much of my daugher, Heather. If you get a chance, please look at MK's blog ( - she too is a miracle baby. God has been so truly merciful and good to both of our families. It's nice to talk to another new grandmother, especially one that has witnessed God's grace like you have. Take care and Happy Valentine.

Leigh Ann said...

She is just THE most beautiful baby EVER. I love those little lips and big eyes of hers! So glad you got to spend Valentine's Day with her at her home!!! That changing table is beautiful!

Jamie said...

These are GREAT pictures! I'm glad you got to go over for a Valentine's Day visit.

Lauren said...

Sounds like the perfect Valentine's to me... spending time with Harper doesn't get any better than that :) Sweet pics!!! Love ya'll :o)

Anonymous said...

Hello Grandma Judy, I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd see if I have missed anything out on blog land, & sure enough. I see new photos of Nonny & Granddad. You both look so sweet holding Harper. And that changing table is quite a work of art. I would be having Mr.Steve make me all kinds of fun things, ha!!! Harper little sweet face, those eyes & heart shape lips. She is just beautiful. And you can tell in the photos that you are crazy about her, enjoy being a Nonny Judy. I love all your photos. Karen Barnes

Melissa Stover said...

what beautiful pictures!! she is so adorable.

pinkmommy said...

Those pictures are darling! You guys are such sweet grandparents! Harper is so blessed to have so many people in her life that adore her!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That tops any restaurant any day! What a memorable way to spend Valentines day. Scott, Kelly, and Harper are so blessed to have you guys so near.

MiMi said...

Judy, I am so glad that you got to spend Harper's first Valentines Day with her. That first picture is absolutely gorgeous! That one is definitely frame-worthy! And the one of her Granddad --oh my, so sweet!

I will be remembering Steve's mom and hope that she feels stronger and stronger each day.

I saw the changing table on Kellys' blog and Steve did an amazing job on it! That will be something that Harper will cherish for always! So special!

Glad you had such a Happy Valentines Day and glad to have you back blogging, too! I've missed you.

Sara Campbell said...

"Nonie", I am Kelly's friend from our OBU days. I was Laurie's roommate. Kelly is a special gal. I have loved praying for and reading thru the posts. We are 'workers' in Turkey and had folks praying here too. It is fun to read it from your of the hardest parts of being overseas is missing the grandparent/grandchild stuff. We are trusting in God's promise to compensate all that! Anyway, enjoyed your post today. Love, Sara Campbell Ankara, Turkey

Kathy said...

Loved all the pictures. Everyone looks so happy and Harper so content. She is just absolutely beautiful! Mom is doing well and looked very valentiny yesterday in her pink "grandma" sweatshirt. We're keeping a close eye on her and looking forward to us all living together.

Hillary said...

You have some great pictures of Harper! I love them!! The one with Mr. Steve kissing her...oh my...she's got him hooked! :) Nothing wrong with that!

Hillary said...
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Cary Hairbows said...

The picture of Granddaddy kissing Harper was priceless and needs to be framed (total heart melter). Your family is so sweet!!

I love the way the diaper changer turned out--what beautiful work from the heart! Your husband is one fine woodworker.


Joyce said...

You certainly look the part of happy grandparents! I am glad you are close enough to make those special visits. Great pictures!

Sitesx6 said...

I've been reading Kelly's blog for almost 2 years and prayed for her during the time of infertility. When I see pictures of Harper (who is a BEAUTIFUL baby) I just see

MIRACLE!!!!! It makes me smile to see her and know she is safe and home and enjoying life.

All glory and praise to God for healing her and bringing this miracle home.

Enjoy her. :)
Kelly in Michigan
P.S. you are a very very good mother to Kelly.....I have such awe of how supportive and wonderful you are. Wish I would have had that type of mother.

kimberly t. bowling said...

Love love love the up clost photo of Harper's beautiful eyes peering into the camera...just precious. What a wonderful way to spend Valentines.

Heather said...

OOOHHHH!!!! These are the BEST pictures! So glad you got a good visit in! The changing table is gorgeous, too. (saw it on Kelly's blog)
Harper is just the cutest sweetest little girl!

Fran said...

Well, you know I just tear up looking at the picture of y'all holding her. Just so sweet and beautiful and perfect.

I'm praying for Steve's mom right now.

Blessings and lots of love,

Jill said...

Harper is just the prettiest baby! Looks like you had a very special day with your new grandaughter. What a miracle she is!


valerie said...

I imagine that was the best Valentine's Day you've ever had.
Harper is just beautiful!
I'm glad y'all live close enough that you could make the trip. How nice that Scott & Kelly were able to go out on a date and know their little one was safe with her Nonny & Granddad.
Thanks for sharing. I'll keep your mother-in-law in my prayers.

Aunt Ruthie said...

Howdy! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comment you left! And here I am on your blog and I am so amazed that you are little Harper's grandma!! I have been praying for that sweet baby ever since she was in the hospital! I praise the Lord that she is doing so wonderully! God is good! And what a blessing that little Harper fresh from heaven! Pure sweetness!

Anonymous said...

That top photos is SO cute! Glad she has calmed down a bit and we are praying for a good routine to begin. She's gone through a lot in her short life so for sure she needs lots of love from the grandparents. :) Thanks for sharing. Love, Laura

E said...

Your daughter is a precious person!

In His Army said...

Oh that beautiful child! I cannot wait to see her in person!

Debbie said...

Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers. I followed your daughters blog from when she was pregnant. I am so happy for your family. I hope to have our little one home as soon as possible. Thank you again, Debbie

tara said...

wow those pictures are awesome! my favorite is the second one, but she looks so grown up in that first one! :) must be her expression. what a special valentine's 2009!
tara from maryland

Julie said...

I loved this first picture! The pink is just so precious!! I'm so glad you guys live close enough to spend a few hours with this precious valentine!!!