A sweet lady in our church has organized a garage sale this week-end to benefit the orphanage in India where my husband will be visiting next week.
So I have been in my garage going through boxes that should have been gone through years ago.
I have been in my new house for almost five years now and we still have boxes yet to be unpacked. I know, I know, I am a packrat!! My husband's motto is "If you haven't used it an a year, throw it out!"
My motto is , "I may need that next week/year" or it is a keepsake to be handed down generation to generation!
These pictures are a small sampling of the stuff I found in those boxes. The picture above is a wedding gift(so it is an "antique" now). Who could live without a silver candle sniffer???
Some nice brass sconce.......
Flower arrangements.............
Beauty and the Beast toys............
Cute pillow kits from when country was cool...............
Lots of material leftover from when I THOUGHT I could sew............I was wrong......
I decided to get rid of even my old sewing box completed loaded with thread, needles, etc.
I had tons of picture frames with the kid's pictures from ALL ages..........I gave the frames and kept the kid's pictures!
I also found these pictures in the bottom of a box. I don't know who this young couple is but I think they were 21 years old and in love!
He probably might have had second thoughts if he knew she was a packrat!!!!
Which are you........."THROW IT AWAY AFTER A YEAR" or "PACKRAT" ?????
Okay, Judy - you can sell the first few things at the garage sale - in fact, I wouldn't mind buying a couple of them. BUT - take it from this grandmother - you better hang on to the Beauty & the Beast toys! And that green fabric with the tiny pink rosebuds... I made one of my granddaughters' dolls a dress out of that very fabric! Hang onto it sister - you might need it when Harper is a little older. Woops - did I just enable your packrat propensity? Sorry Steve!
I throw it away!!! Eve before a year! I teach and am definitely in the minority at my school! We have lots of packrats in teaching! But, who does everyone gravitate towards when they need something?? The packrats!!! They know better to ask me!
I only have to reach into my wallet to find that picture of you. Whenever I travel overseas and get asked, "Do you have a picture of your wife?" That's the one I show. It usually gets quite a reaction. And by the way, the rule is: Throw it out after 6 months if you haven't used it.
You're still my babe after 38 years.
You know I'm with Dad - throw it out!!! I'm sooooooooooooooo not a pack rat.
In fact - I have a lot of cleaning out I need to do if I just ever get the time.
I am a packrat but I also sell stuff...I still have a bunch of boxes from when we moved in almost 4 years ago. I need to clean out my stash.
i'm pretty much a packrat too. but i would have bought all that thread! thread is expensive.
I am a little of a pack rat too! I have a couple of closets that I need to go through now. It seems when I throw something away, I always seem to need that particular thing later.
What fun pictures and you can totally tell thats you and Mr. Martin. You haven't changed a bit :) And I tend to throw away and my husband keeps everything! Ha!
I can see Harper in your husband's old picture.
I definitely throw everything away!! And what's so funny is my husband keeps everything! Boy did I have to do a lot of secret cleaning out after we got married. He still wore some of the same clothes he wore in high school!! My mom recently moved out of the home I grew up in, and when she would find something that she did not want me to get rid of she would give it to my husband!! My motto is the more stuff you get rid of the more shopping you get to do!!
Keep it forever. That's me. Do adults children every really move out of a house? Three are married, one is not, and we have things that belong to all of them. But who can throw out the precious things that belonged to your children? I say, "Keep it".
I had those exact Beauty and the Beast toys when I was little. That just made my day seeing those!
I'm 110% a packrat!!! I have kept the most random things for sentimental value or because I think I just may use it someday..
We tend to get rid of things we don't use. That's what happens when you live within 1200 square feet. Even if our house was larger, I'd want to keep things simple. I'm glad you were able to clean out some of your unused items and donate them for a good cause.
Despite all the garage sales I have had I "have been" a pack rat. Packing up for the big move I have been faced with so many "oldies but goodies" that I am forcing myself to get rid of. Between mom and me I bet we have over 100 frames! Sometimes it's a tough call.
I am definately a throw-it-away kind of girl but my Mom keeps everything. She says one day she's gonna just close her eyes and let me come over and "do my thing".
Get rid of it kind of girl here...but hubby saves everything....and I mean everything. He got new socks and he wanted me to put is old ones in the attic. I;m not kidding. I am usually pretty agreeable but those socks went in the trash!
Save the Beauty and The Beast toys for Harper though. I just made a playroom for all the kiddos in the family and i did have a lot of old toys...they love them!
From one Nonny to another
I'm becoming more and more of a "throw it away" type, but I'm married to a major packrat! Our garage and L's side of the closet are clear proof of that! :)
I'm glad you didn't throw the kids' pictures out--as I was scrolling down, I thought they were in the garage sale pile--ha! :)
I am a throw it out too!
But I have wished before that I had kept stuff from time to time.
We recently bought a lake property and I had a garage sale about 5 months before we bought it and could have had my whole kitchen at the lake set up. But no...I sold it because I did not think I would use any of it.
Oh...well! It is nice to get new stuff from time to time.
Lisa :)
FUN post! I'm some of both. I've thrown away stuff that I wish I hadn't gotten rid of. And, I have boxes of stuff that people would laugh at.
Isn't it funny how packrats marry non-packrats. Or maybe it is a good thing to balance each other out. I am a non-packrat married to a packrat. I'm not quite in the category of throw it out if you haven't used it in a year - more like 2 years for me.
I am sooo a packrat it's not even funny but trying to be better.
And that picture at the end of you two is GORGEOUS!!!! :)
I am a throw it out kind of girl! It is almost a flaw. Often I wish I would not have been so quick to get rid of something!
Awww, I just read Pastor Steve's comment. You two are just so precious! I am all about getting rid of stuff. I'm actually in the process right now. It is a job but I always feel better afterward. My mom is a huge PACKRAT. She has everything...prom dresses, Barbies, cheer leading uniforms, etc. I keep telling her to throw it out but I understand more now that I'm a mom. I still get rid of stuff and try to keep just the most sentimental things.
Oh, and those pictures of you and Pastor Steve are beautiful. I think the picture of you looks JUST LIKE Kelly!
I just had a garage sale last week. Love them. That's awesome that you guys are raising money for a good cause.
Wanted you to know I have a giveaway on my site going until Friday night. theprovidentwoman.com click on the giveaway in the far right side bar.
I so do not want to be a pack rat....loved looking at your pictures....Hope you will stop by and visit my new Christmas blog. The button on my regular blog will take you right to it....
Yep, I'm a packrat! My husband will attest to the fact.
There are just some things one cannot throw out! =) Periodically, I will go through things and either throw it away or donate it.
Love your husband's comment. =)
God Bless you!
I throw it away...even before the year is up!!
I just hopped over here for the first time from Kelly's blog and I just had to comment on the pics of you and your hubby. I can not get over how much Kelly looks like you, it is nuts! And I definitely see so much of Harper in the two of you beautiful ladies. And, to answer your pack rat question, I think I fall somewhere in the middle. I'll hold on to things that I think might be useful, but then I will get a wild hair and have to purge of all the excess!
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